Safety Report & Clery Information
Clery Annual Security & Fire Safety Report (opens in new tab)
Crime Statistics (opens in new tab)
UNCSA Drug Abuse and Alcohol Prevention Programs Report (DAAPP). (opens in new tab)
UNCSA Crime Log
Case Disposition Terms
Closed: No further investigative action is required.
Clear by Arrest: The individual or individuals have been taken into custody in reference to a pervious
crime or have been charged in relations to a new crime.
Closed by Referral: the individual(s) involved in the case have been referred to a non-law enforcement
campus entity (Dean of Students and/or Residence Life and Housing).
Open/Further Investigation: The case is currently under active investigation by University Police personnel.
Inactive: The case has been left open but is not being actively investigated.
Unfounded: The case is determined through investigation to be false or baseless.
Aggregate traffic stop information is available through the State of North Carolina traffic stop reporting database (opens in new tab).