Faculty & Staff Directory
Faculty & Staff Directory
You can search by name, department or phone number below to find faculty and staff members working at UNCSA. Spot an error? Complete the directory update form.
You can search by name, department or phone number below to find faculty and staff members working at UNCSA. Spot an error? Complete the directory update form.
Name | Department | Office Phone | |
Abernethy, William Rodney | School of Filmmaking | abernethyw@uncsa.edu | |
Ackerman, Thomas Edward | School of Filmmaking | 336-770-1394 | ackermant@uncsa.edu |
Agee, Barry | Stevens Center | agee.b@artist.uncsa.edu | |
Agee, Debra B | Stevens Center | agee.d@artist.uncsa.edu | |
Agresti, Allison Jeanne | Counseling Services | 336-734-2909 | agrestia@uncsa.edu |
Akinbo, Tamara D | High School Academic Programs | akinbot@uncsa.edu | |
Alas, Gloria | Facilities Management | 336-770-3324 | alasg@uncsa.edu |
Alessandra, Pilar | School of Filmmaking | alessandrap@uncsa.edu | |
Alfaro, Hector | Facilities Management | 336-770-3324 | alfaroh@uncsa.edu |
Alford, Steven W | School of Music | alfords@uncsa.edu | |
Allard, Janet M | School of Filmmaking | allardj@uncsa.edu | |
Allbritten, James | School of Music | 336-631-1542 | allbrj@uncsa.edu |
Alvarez, Michael A | School of Drama | 336-734-2834 | alvarezm@uncsa.edu |
Alzamora, Lauren A | School of Dance | lalzamora@artist.uncsa.edu | |
Amicon, Paige Filomena | School of Dance | amiconp@uncsa.edu | |
Amrhein, Laura Marie | Division of Liberal Arts | amrheinl@uncsa.edu | |
Anantnarayan, Parvathy | High School Academic Programs | anantnarayanp@uncsa.edu | |
Andersen, Kara | School of Filmmaking | 336-770-1348 | andersenk@uncsa.edu |
Anderson, Lauren | High School Academic Programs | andersonl@uncsa.edu | |
Anderson, Maggie M | School of Drama | 336-770-3239 | andersonm@uncsa.edu |
Ankerich, Robin L | School of Dance | ankerichr@uncsa.edu | |
Archie, Erica L | Residence Life | archiee@uncsa.edu | |
Armstrong, Dante Ra'Shawn | School of Filmmaking | armstrongd@uncsa.edu | |
AshleyDean, Brenda | Stevens Center | ashleydean.b@artist.uncsa.edu | |
Austin, Brooke | School of Design and Production | 336-770-3214 | austinb@uncsa.edu |
Aviles, Isabel | School of Music | avilesi@uncsa.edu | |
Babinskaya, Yelena | School of Design and Production | babinskayay@uncsa.edu | |
Bachelder, Aaron M | School of Dance | bacheldera@uncsa.edu | |
Badgett, Catherine T | Student Affairs | badgettc@uncsa.edu | |
Bae, Yoon | School of Design and Production | baey@uncsa.edu | |
Bagwell, Brandon G | School of Design and Production | 336-770-3221 | bagwellb@uncsa.edu |
Bailey, Jarrett | Financial Services | 336-631-1247 | baileyj@uncsa.edu |
Bailey, Karen M | Financial Services | 336-770-3250 | baileyka@uncsa.edu |
Bailey, Tiffany | School of Dance | 336-770-3210 | baileyt@uncsa.edu |
Bak, Jordan | School of Music | bakj@uncsa.edu | |
Baker, Erin A | Chancellor's Office | 336-770-3202 | bakere@uncsa.edu |
Baker, Kathy Ann | Office of the Exec. VC and Provost | bakerka@uncsa.edu | |
Baldwin, Lauretta M | Human Resources | 336-770-1451 | baldwinl@uncsa.edu |
Baldwin, Marilyn M | Campus Performance Facilities | baldwinm@uncsa.edu | |
Baldwin, Norris O | Campus Performance Facilities | 336-734-2870 | baldwinn@uncsa.edu |
Balwah, Amanda G | Chancellor's Office | 336-770-1321 | balwaha@uncsa.edu |
Barringer, Tyler D | Technology | 336-770-1443 | barringert@uncsa.edu |
Bartlett, Jacquelyn | School of Music | bartlettj@uncsa.edu | |
Basich, Lani Nicole | Office of the Exec. VC and Provost | basich.ln@artist.uncsa.edu | |
Bauman, Alexis | Facilities Management | 336-770-1350 | baumana@uncsa.edu |
Baxley, Gary | Campus Performance Facilities | baxley.g@artist.uncsa.edu | |
Beck, John R | School of Music | 336-734-2833 | beckj@uncsa.edu |
Becker, Sara | School of Drama | beckers@uncsa.edu | |
Beckwith, Scott M | School of Design and Production | 336-770-3223 | beckwiths@uncsa.edu |
Beery, Toni | Facilities Management | 336-631-1539 | beeryt@uncsa.edu |
Belanger, Ryan E | Technology | belangerr@uncsa.edu | |
Bellardini, Michael | Campus Police | bellardinim@uncsa.edu | |
Bellardini, Samantha C | Campus Police | bellardinis@uncsa.edu | |
Belov, Tatyana Alexandra | School of Drama, Emeritus | belovt@uncsa.edu | |
Benfield, Isaiah D | Campus Police | 336-734-2971 | benfieldi@uncsa.edu |
Benson, Jamey Shawn | Student Affairs | benson.j@artist.uncsa.edu | |
Beres, Karen E | Office of the Exec. VC and Provost | 336-631-1546 | beresk@uncsa.edu |
Bernstein, Molly | School of Filmmaking | bernsteinm@uncsa.edu | |
Berry, Renee R | Purchasing | 336-631-1589 | berrys@uncsa.edu |
Berson, Holland Britt | School of Design and Production | 336-770-1329 | bersonh@uncsa.edu |
Berta, Michel | Division of Liberal Arts, Emeritus | bertam@uncsa.edu | |
Beseda, Robert Maitland | School of Drama, Emeritus | besedar@uncsa.edu | |
Bessinger, Marti L | Office of the Exec. VC and Provost | bessingerm@uncsa.edu | |
Best, Brian T | School of Filmmaking | 336-770-1390 | bestb@uncsa.edu |
Bhattacharya, Amit | School of Filmmaking | bhattacharyaa@uncsa.edu | |
Bianchi, Davide | Office of the Exec. VC and Provost | bianchi.d@artist.uncsa.edu | |
Bieler, Ida | School of Music | 336-770-3358 | bieleri@uncsa.edu |
Bitterman, Kevin W | Kenan Institute | 336-770-1442 | bittermank@uncsa.edu |
Blair, Crystal Vechlekar | Health Services | 336-770-3277 | blairc@uncsa.edu |
Blazek-Ziaii, Kira | School of Dance | 336-770-1393 | blazekk@uncsa.edu |
Bobbitt, Gray G | Financial Services | 336-770-1485 | bobbittg@uncsa.edu |
Bodine, Alex Wallace | Campus Performance Facilities | bodinea@uncsa.edu | |
Bohannon, Douglas L | High School Academic Programs | 336-770-3245 | bohannond@uncsa.edu |
Bohning, Arianna | School of Music | bohning.ae@artist.uncsa.edu | |
Bohon, Jason | School of Drama | bohonj@uncsa.edu | |
Boone, Seth | Facilities Management | 336-770-3325 | boones@uncsa.edu |
Borowiec, Michael C | School of Filmmaking | borowiecm@uncsa.edu | |
Botts, Kaitlin | School of Design and Production | 336-770-3219 | bottsk@uncsa.edu |
Bowens, Britany Rochelle | High School Life | bowensb@uncsa.edu | |
Bowman, Chris Mebane | Facilities Management | 336-770-3376 | bowmanc@uncsa.edu |
Bowser, Rokesha M | Campus Police | bowserr@uncsa.edu | |
Boyd, Lindsey | Health Services | boydl@uncsa.edu | |
Bradfield, Kimberly | Office of the Exec. VC and Provost | 336-770-1364 | bradfieldk@uncsa.edu |
Brewer-Zillner, William Pryor | School of Design and Production | 336-631-1276 | brewerb@uncsa.edu |
Brickhouse, William Russell | Admissions | 336-770-3338 | brickhousew@uncsa.edu |
Britt, Andrew | Division of Liberal Arts | britta@uncsa.edu | |
Brooke, Laurence | Library | 336-631-1201 | brookel@uncsa.edu |
Broomhead, Phillip A | School of Dance | 336-770-1393 | broomheadp@uncsa.edu |
Brown, Donchelle | Health Services | browndon@uncsa.edu | |
Brown, Fayth A | School of Drama | brownf@uncsa.edu | |
Brown, Jordan Jeffrey | School of Drama | brownj@uncsa.edu | |
Brown, Melissa Linda | Health Services | 336-631-1583 | brownm@uncsa.edu |
Brown, Rita Faye | Campus Performance Facilities | brownri@uncsa.edu | |
Brown, Scottie M | Campus Performance Facilities | brown.s@artist.uncsa.edu | |
Brown, Tramaine Denise | Financial Services | 336-770-3316 | brownt@uncsa.edu |
Browne, LaShaunda | Campus Performance Facilities | brownel@uncsa.edu | |
Browning, Sierra D | Advancement | brownings@uncsa.edu | |
Brownlee, Kemora S | Human Resources | 336-770-1428 | brownleek@uncsa.edu |
Bruce, Jason | Office of the Exec. VC and Provost | brucej@uncsa.edu | |
Bruhn, Christopher E | Library | 336-770-1306 | bruhnc@uncsa.edu |
Bruin, Brent | School of Design and Production | 336-770-3225 | bruinb@uncsa.edu |
Bryce, Sarah Elizabeth | Division of Liberal Arts | bryces@uncsa.edu | |
Buchanan, Ronald | Facilities Management | buchananr@uncsa.edu | |
Bullock, Jeffery | Chancellor's Office | bullockj@uncsa.edu | |
Bulluck, Matthew | School of Drama, Emeritus | bulluckm@uncsa.edu | |
Burkeen, Rebecca | Advancement | 336-770-3203 | burkeenr@uncsa.edu |
Burns, Eric | Office of the Exec. VC and Provost | 336-770-3265 | burnse@uncsa.edu |
Burns, Jodi Elizabeth | Office of the Exec. VC and Provost | burnsj@uncsa.edu | |
Burns, Kelsey Dawn | School of Dance | burnsk@uncsa.edu | |
Burns, Samantha | School of Dance | burnss@uncsa.edu | |
Burroughs, Channon | Admissions | 336-631-1547 | burroughsc@uncsa.edu |
Butler, Kimberly | Residence Life | butlerk@uncsa.edu | |
Byrd, Nakedra | Health Services | byrdn@uncsa.edu | |
Cabbell, Paul Henry | Mail Room | 336-770-3313 | cabbellp@uncsa.edu |
Calcutt, Stephen | Facilities Management | 336-770-3325 | calcutts@uncsa.edu |
Caldie, Austin M | School of Music | caldiea@uncsa.edu | |
Caldwell, Vivian C | Residence Life | 336-770-3324 | caldwellv@uncsa.edu |
Call Blankinship, Jamie | School of Design and Production, Emeritus | callj@uncsa.edu | |
Campbell, Ashley N | Facilities Management | 336-631-1519 | campbella@uncsa.edu |
Campbell, Sherri | Transportation | 336-770-1476 | campbells@uncsa.edu |
Candelaria, Lindsey M | School of Filmmaking | 336-770-1335 | candelarial@uncsa.edu |
Carley, Debra Del | Financial Services | carleyd@uncsa.edu | |
Carmona, Damon | School of Drama | carmonad@uncsa.edu | |
Carpenter, Marla K | Marketing | 336-770-3337 | carpem@uncsa.edu |
Carpenter, Teashia | Financial Services | 336-770-3345 | carpentert@uncsa.edu |
Carrillo, Fernando | School of Dance | carrillof@uncsa.edu | |
Carroll, Melissa L | Library | 336-770-1396 | carrollm@uncsa.edu |
Carter, Ashley Rene’e | Facilities Management | 336-770-3324 | cartera@uncsa.edu |
Carter, Jason | Purchasing | carterj@uncsa.edu | |
Carter, Sonja Tameka | Residence Life | 336-770-3324 | carters@uncsa.edu |
Cartwright, Stephanie | Counseling Services | 336-770-3276 | cartwrights@uncsa.edu |
Casey, Patricia D | School of Dance | 336-734-2886 | caseyt@uncsa.edu |
Caston, Ginger Salmons | Chancellor's Office | 336-770-1436 | castong@uncsa.edu |
Caudle, Misty Lee | Facilities Management | 336-770-3324 | caudlem@uncsa.edu |
Cauley, Eve | School of Filmmaking | 336-631-1286 | cauleye@uncsa.edu |
Cavenaugh, Shannon K | Financial Services | 336-770-1424 | cavenaughs@uncsa.edu |
Cervantes, Teresa R | Visual Arts | cervantest@uncsa.edu | |
Cespedes, Altagracia C | Facilities Management | 336-770-3324 | cespedesc@uncsa.edu |
Chambers, Darryl M | Residence Halls | chambers.d@artist.uncsa.edu | |
Chandler, James D | Facilities Management | 336-631-1267 | chandlerj@uncsa.edu |
Chandler, Wilson Pleasant | Facilities Management | 336-770-3325 | chandlerw@uncsa.edu |
Cheek, Schimone P | UNCSA Foundation | cheeks@uncsa.edu | |
Chen, Brandon | Health Services | chenb@uncsa.edu | |
Chiott, Darren E | Financial Aid | 336-770-3298 | chiottd@uncsa.edu |
Christ, Shelby | Health Services | christs@uncsa.edu | |
Christian, Kaitlyn | Technology | christiank@uncsa.edu | |
Christian-Mcnair, Robin Jo | School of Drama | 336-770-1456 | christian-mcnairr@uncsa.edu |
Chumbley, Robert E | Office of the Exec. VC and Provost | chumbley.r@artist.uncsa.edu | |
Clark, Alisa S. | Facilities Management | 336-631-1267 | clarka@uncsa.edu |
Clark, Jazmin A. | Residence Life | 336-631-1218 | clarkj@uncsa.edu |
Clark, Ryan L | High School Academic Programs | clarkr@uncsa.edu | |
Clasen, Ashley E | Office of the Exec. VC and Provost | 336-782-5734 | clasena@uncsa.edu |
Clinton, Sherry | Facilities Management | 336-770-3324 | clintons@uncsa.edu |
Clyburn, Diamond A | School of Filmmaking | 336-770-1335 | clyburnd@uncsa.edu |
Coan, Kirtan | School of Drama | coank@uncsa.edu | |
Coates, Norman | School of Design and Production, Emeritus | coatesn@uncsa.edu | |
Cochrane, Stephen L | Financial Services | 336-770-1484 | cochranes@uncsa.edu |
Coelho, Tadeu | School of Music | 336-770-3355 | coelhot@uncsa.edu |
Colavecchia, Franco | School of Design and Production, Emeritus | francoc@uncsa.edu | |
Cole, Brian | Chancellor's Office | 336-770-3201 | coleb@uncsa.edu |
Colopy, Stephanie L | School of Filmmaking | 336-770-1322 | colopys@uncsa.edu |
Cominsky, Sarah Rose | UNCSA Foundation | 336-631-1527 | cominskys@uncsa.edu |
Conrad, Christopher Ray | Campus Police | conradc@uncsa.edu | |
Cooper, Dona | School of Filmmaking, Emeritus | cooperd@uncsa.edu | |
Copley, Amber Marie | Advancement | 336-726-7099 | copleya@uncsa.edu |
Cordell, Fanchon L | School of Dance, Emeritus | cordellf@uncsa.edu | |
Cox, Henry C | Facilities Management | 336-770-3376 | coxh@uncsa.edu |
Coyne, John Paul | School of Design and Production | 336-734-2924 | coynej@uncsa.edu |
Crabtree, Susan | School of Design and Production | 336-734-2925 | crabtrees@uncsa.edu |
Crainshaw, Jill Yvette | Chancellor's Office | crainshawj@uncsa.edu | |
Crawford, Suevary M | Facilities Management | 336-770-3324 | crawfords@uncsa.edu |
Crosby, Juliet Jamal | Facilities Management | 336-770-3324 | crosbyj@uncsa.edu |
Curtis, Lavelle Randia | Student Affairs | curtisl@uncsa.edu | |
Dailey, Gregory H | Library | 336-770-1366 | daileyg@uncsa.edu |
Dalby, Jefferson F | School of Dance | 336-770-3210 | dalbyj@uncsa.edu |
Daniels, Brenda | School of Dance | 336-734-2885 | danielsb@uncsa.edu |
Dash, David | School of Music | 336-734-2921 | dashd@uncsa.edu |
Davis, Avery Grace | School of Dance | davis.ag@artist.uncsa.edu | |
Davis, Brandon Foster | Campus Police | 336-734-2964 | davisb@uncsa.edu |
Davis, Clarisse Wilson | Campus Police | 336-734-2915 | davisc@uncsa.edu |
Davis, Elizabeth Scott | Institutional Research | 336-734-2906 | davisel@uncsa.edu |
Davis, Emanuel | Facilities Management | davisem@uncsa.edu | |
Davis, Inez | Division of Liberal Arts, Emeritus | davisi@uncsa.edu | |
Davis, Rhonda Samantha | Admissions | 336-770-3311 | davisr@uncsa.edu |
Davis-Rowe, Ann E | UNCSA Foundation | 336-631-1526 | davis-rowea@uncsa.edu |
DeCristo, Jim J | Chancellor's Office | 336-734-2862 | decristoj@uncsa.edu |
Deal, Mark C | Facilities Management | 336-631-1528 | dealm@uncsa.edu |
Dexter, Garrett T | Marketing | dexterg@uncsa.edu | |
Dickinson, Maia D | Library | dickinsonm@uncsa.edu | |
Dillon, Lawrence | School of Music | 336-770-3253 | dillonl@uncsa.edu |
Doan, Molly A | School of Design and Production | doanm@uncsa.edu | |
Dobbins, Nikki | Library | dobbinsn@uncsa.edu | |
Dodds, Michael | School of Music | 336-770-3258 | doddsm@uncsa.edu |
Donley, Laurel N | Student Affairs | 336-770-3275 | donleyl@uncsa.edu |
Dore, Alejandra M | School of Dance | dorea@uncsa.edu | |
Dorr, Christopher S | School of Filmmaking | 336-631-1501 | dorrc@uncsa.edu |
Dorsky, Kait | Library | 336-770-1365 | dorskyk@uncsa.edu |
Douglas, Roscoe R | Campus Performance Facilities | douglasr@uncsa.edu | |
Douglass, Kate Elizabeth | High School Academic Programs | douglassk@uncsa.edu | |
Douglass, Ryan J | School of Design and Production | douglassr@uncsa.edu | |
Dove, Eddie S | Campus Police | 336-734-2965 | dovee@uncsa.edu |
Dove, Marsha Hairston | Student Affairs | 336-631-1557 | dovem@uncsa.edu |
Dowell, Mark C | School of Filmmaking | dowellm@uncsa.edu | |
Downard, Chad Everett | School of Design and Production | downardc@uncsa.edu | |
Dunlap, David | School of Filmmaking | dunlapd@uncsa.edu | |
Dunlap, Tanya | Advancement | 336-793-2244 | dunlapt@uncsa.edu |
Durham, Chris | Facilities Management | 336-631-1528 | durhamc@uncsa.edu |
Dzybon, Deanna | Fitness Center | dzybon.d@artist.uncsa.edu | |
Eason, Eric William | School of Filmmaking | 336-770-1391 | easone@uncsa.edu |
Edge, Erin | Office of the Exec. VC and Provost | 336-726-6940 | edgee@uncsa.edu |
Elkins, David E | School of Filmmaking, Emeritus | elkinsd@uncsa.edu | |
Elledge, Lillian Elaine | Library | 336-631-1554 | elledgeli@uncsa.edu |
Emanuel, John Sunyup | Technology | emanuelj@uncsa.edu | |
Emerson, Wendy R | Financial Services | 336-770-3304 | emersonw@uncsa.edu |
Emery, Sara Kathleen | Advancement | 336-770-3331 | emerys@uncsa.edu |
Ennis, Emily Claire | School of Drama | ennis.e@artist.uncsa.edu | |
Ernstes, Amy Marie | Division of Liberal Arts | ernstesa@uncsa.edu | |
Espina-Ruiz, Oskar | School of Music | 336-631-1525 | espina-ruizo@uncsa.edu |
Evans, Tanya Miller | Center for Design Innovation | 336-750-8400 | evanst@uncsa.edu |
Everett, C.J. | School of Dance | everettc@uncsa.edu | |
Farmer, Jordan Denzell | Health Services | 336-631-1514 | farmerj@uncsa.edu |
Fegley, Terri | Office of the Exec. VC and Provost | 336-770-3247 | fegleyt@uncsa.edu |
Ferrell, Martin | High School Academic Programs | 336-631-1561 | ferrellm@uncsa.edu |
Ferri, John P | School of Music | 336-770-1351 | ferrij@uncsa.edu |
Filben, Izzie | Marketing | 336-726-6945 | filbeni@uncsa.edu |
Flippen, Austin | Facilities Management | 336-770-3324 | flippena@uncsa.edu |
Fon, Lydie | Technology | fonl@uncsa.edu | |
Ford, Tammy | Student Affairs | 336-770-3371 | fordta@uncsa.edu |
Foreman, Gregory L | Campus Police | 336-734-2963 | foremang@uncsa.edu |
Forsman, Carl W | School of Drama | 336-770-3237 | forsmanc@uncsa.edu |
Fort, Claire | School of Drama | fortc@uncsa.edu | |
Fowle, Elizabeth Christine | School of Dance | fowlee@uncsa.edu | |
Fox, Dayna Lynn | School of Dance | 336-734-2882 | foxd@uncsa.edu |
Foy, Atiya N | Health Services | foy.a@artist.uncsa.edu | |
Francesconi, Robert | School of Drama, Emeritus | francesconib@uncsa.edu | |
Fray, Gilfred Lee | School of Dance | frayg@uncsa.edu | |
Freedman, Gerald | School of Drama, Emeritus | freedmang@uncsa.edu | |
Freese, Scott David | Transportation | freese.s@artist.uncsa.edu | |
Fuiell, Sherrie D | Campus Police | 336-631-1244 | fuiells@uncsa.edu |
Fulcher, Chris T | Campus Performance Facilities | fulcherc@uncsa.edu | |
Furey, Mary Irwin | School of Drama, Emeritus | mirwin@uncsa.edu | |
Gable, Bee | UNCSA Foundation | gables@uncsa.edu | |
Gabriel, Hans P | Division of Liberal Arts | gabrielh@uncsa.edu | |
Gaeta, Michael J | School of Filmmaking | gaetam@uncsa.edu | |
Gagnon, Allison | School of Music | 336-631-1533 | gagnona@uncsa.edu |
Gallagher, Steven Wayne | Student Affairs | 336-631-1217 | gallaghers@uncsa.edu |
Galloway, Stephanie D | Facilities Management | 336-631-1219 | galloways@uncsa.edu |
Gammons, Nicole | Technology | 336-726-6950 | gammonsn@uncsa.edu |
Garcia, Vicente | Facilities Management | 336-770-3324 | garciav@uncsa.edu |
Garrison, Lissy | Advancement | 336-770-3329 | garrisonl@uncsa.edu |
Gawlik, Nick | Student Affairs | 336-726-6941 | gawlikm@uncsa.edu |
George, Allison | High School Academic Programs | georgea@uncsa.edu | |
George, Jeffrey S | High School Academic Programs | 336-770-3245 | georgej@uncsa.edu |
Ghaedi, Hadis | Office of the Exec. VC and Provost | ghaedih@uncsa.edu | |
Giannetti, Malissa Leigh | Residence Life | giannettim@uncsa.edu | |
Gilbert, Jared L | Office of the Exec. VC and Provost | gilbert.j@artist.uncsa.edu | |
Golden, Martha E | High School Academic Programs | 336-631-1520 | goldem@uncsa.edu |
Golden, Robert D | Facilities Management | 336-631-1267 | goldenb@uncsa.edu |
Goldmon, Patrice S | Chancellor's Office | goldmonp@uncsa.edu | |
Goldsmith, Nancy E | Division of Liberal Arts, Emeritus | golds@uncsa.edu | |
Gonzalez, Adrian William | School of Music | gonzalez.aw@artist.uncsa.edu | |
Gonzalez, Britt J | School of Dance | gonzalezb@uncsa.edu | |
Gordon, Asa J | School of Filmmaking | gordona@uncsa.edu | |
Gordon, Quinten John | School of Drama | 336-770-3241 | gordonq@uncsa.edu |
Gosnell, Robert D | School of Dance | gosnellr@uncsa.edu | |
Gosse, Robert | School of Filmmaking | 336-770-1388 | gosseb@uncsa.edu |
Graves, Mark A | Budget | 336-631-1282 | gravesm@uncsa.edu |
Graves, Toni H | High School Academic Programs | gravest@uncsa.edu | |
Gray, Arrington A | Student Activities | 336-770-3283 | graya@uncsa.edu |
Gredlein, Jeffrey Michael | Division of Liberal Arts | 336-734-2854 | gredleinj@uncsa.edu |
Green, Catherine | Health Services | greenc@uncsa.edu | |
Green, Nakita S | Technology | 336-770-3368 | greenn@uncsa.edu |
Greene, Phoebe | Library | greenep@uncsa.edu | |
Greenstein, Jessica | Technology | 336-631-1215 | greensteinj@uncsa.edu |
Greer, Sarah Adams | High School Academic Programs | greers@uncsa.edu | |
Grice, Jeremy L | Physical Security Integrations, Commerce & OneCard Management | 336-770-1445 | gricej@uncsa.edu |
Griffin, Pamela S | Visual Arts, Emeritus | griffinp@uncsa.edu | |
Grubbs, Jerry D | High School Activities | grubbs.j@artist.uncsa.edu | |
Grundman, Jess L | Mail Room | grundmanj@uncsa.edu | |
Gulisek, Jess Christine | School of Music | gulisek.jc@artist.uncsa.edu | |
Gupta, Pooja | School of Filmmaking | 336-770-1334 | guptap@uncsa.edu |
Ha, Chiwon | School of Dance | ha.c@artist.uncsa.edu | |
Hagerman, Amy S | Facilities Management | 336-770-3324 | hagermana@uncsa.edu |
Haigh, Philip M | High School Academic Programs | 336-770-3245 | haighp@uncsa.edu |
Haile, Travis | Campus Police | 336-734-2969 | hailet@uncsa.edu |
Hale, Tyrone | Mail Room | halet@uncsa.edu | |
Hall, Alan | School of Music | hallal@uncsa.edu | |
Hamlet, Stefanie Gray | High School Life | 336-770-3281 | hamlets@uncsa.edu |
Hammer, Jeff | School of Filmmaking | 336-631-1220 | hammerj@uncsa.edu |
Hammond, Barney Lloyd | School of Drama, Emeritus | hammondb@uncsa.edu | |
Harding, Mimi M | Office of the Exec. VC and Provost | 336-726-6961 | hardingm@uncsa.edu |
Harris, Gina L | Marketing | 336-726-6944 | harrisgi@uncsa.edu |
Harris, Jennifer | Division of Liberal Arts | harrisj@uncsa.edu | |
Harrison, David L | Chancellor's Office | 336-770-3273 | harrisondl@uncsa.edu |
Hart, Carrie Elizabeth | High School Academic Programs | hartc@uncsa.edu | |
Hart, Eric B | School of Design and Production | harte@uncsa.edu | |
Hartzell, Sasha Renee | Marketing | 336-631-1518 | hartzells@uncsa.edu |
Harvey, Brent | School of Music | harveyb@uncsa.edu | |
Harvey, Marci K | High School Academic Programs | harveym@uncsa.edu | |
Harwell, Shawn D | School of Filmmaking | harwells@uncsa.edu | |
Hawley, Janine Girard | School of Drama | 336-726-6970 | hawleyj@uncsa.edu |
Hazard, Pg Grace | School of Drama | hazardp@uncsa.edu | |
Heath, James Monte | School of Design and Production | 336-770-1409 | heathm@uncsa.edu |
Heckman, Chris James | School of Music | 336-631-1284 | heckmanc@uncsa.edu |
Henry, Carlton Elsworth | Campus Performance Facilities | henryc@uncsa.edu | |
Hester, Jason A | Facilities Management | 336-770-3325 | hesterj@uncsa.edu |
Hicks, Jayvian | Purchasing | hicksj@uncsa.edu | |
Hill, Sharon Dennise | Human Resources | 336-770-1318 | hills@uncsa.edu |
Hill, Tyler R | Campus Police | 336-734-2968 | hillt@uncsa.edu |
Ho, Ming Yen | School of Design and Production | hom@uncsa.edu | |
Hobgood, William K | School of Filmmaking | 336-631-1504 | hobgoodw@uncsa.edu |
Hollomon, Zane Edwin | Admissions | 336-631-1545 | hollomonz@uncsa.edu |
Holt, Patrick L | School of Design and Production | holtp@uncsa.edu | |
Hopkins, Krista M | VC for Finance & Administration | 336-770-3302 | hopkinsk@uncsa.edu |
Hord, Brennan D | Facilities Management | 336-631-1528 | hordb@uncsa.edu |
Hord, Joshua A | Facilities Management | 336-631-1528 | hordj@uncsa.edu |
Horvat, Matt Thomas | Financial Services | 336-770-3305 | horvatm@uncsa.edu |
Horvath, Sarah G | School of Dance | horvath.s@artist.uncsa.edu | |
Hromada, Anthony P | Technology | hromadaa@uncsa.edu | |
Huerta Bowman, Linda M | Financial Services | 336-770-3307 | bowmanl@uncsa.edu |
Huett, Matthew | Residence Life | huettm@uncsa.edu | |
Huff, Kevin Bradley | Facilities Management | 336-631-1528 | huffk@uncsa.edu |
Hush, Sharon Denise | Registrar | 336-770-3294 | hushs@uncsa.edu |
Hyde, Nikki | School of Design and Production | hyden@uncsa.edu | |
Iler, Sarah Michelle | Institutional Research | ilers@uncsa.edu | |
Ilika, John Henry | School of Music | 336-734-2832 | ilikaj@uncsa.edu |
Jabourian, Mark | Marketing | jabourianm@uncsa.edu | |
Jackson, Christina | Technology | jacksonc@uncsa.edu | |
Jackson, Donald Ray | Facilities Management | 336-770-3324 | jacksond@uncsa.edu |
Jackson, Jadarius | Office of the Exec. VC and Provost | 336-726-6963 | jacksonj@uncsa.edu |
Jackson, Martha | Purchasing | jacksonm@uncsa.edu | |
Jackson, Renata | School of Filmmaking, Emeritus | jacksonr@uncsa.edu | |
Jaffe, Lyle D | Campus Performance Facilities | jaffe.l@artist.uncsa.edu | |
James, Marilyn A | Stevens Center | 336-724-5071 | jamesm@uncsa.edu |
James, Otis K | Facilities Management | 336-770-3324 | jameso@uncsa.edu |
James, Rebekah | Health Services | jamesr@uncsa.edu | |
Jarvis, Anthony C | Residence Life | jarvisa@uncsa.edu | |
Jester, Crystal L | UNCSA Foundation | 336-770-1373 | jesterc@uncsa.edu |
Johnson, Katherine E | Marketing | 336-770-1402 | johnsonka@uncsa.edu |
Johnson, LaMarcus I | Facilities Management | 336-770-3324 | johnsonl@uncsa.edu |
Johnson, Monica E | School of Drama | mjohnson11@artist.uncsa.edu | |
Johnson, Nick Justin | Technology | 336-770-1310 | johnsonn@uncsa.edu |
Johnson, Shemika Shree | Facilities Management | johnsonsh@uncsa.edu | |
Johnson-Jones, Arveril D | Division of Liberal Arts | 336-770-3242 | johnson-jonesa@uncsa.edu |
Johnston, Nancy Lee | Office of the Exec. VC and Provost | 336-631-1530 | johnstonn@uncsa.edu |
Jones, Devin A | Center for Design Innovation | jones.d@artist.uncsa.edu | |
Jones, Howard Chrisman | School of Design and Production, Emeritus | howardj@uncsa.edu | |
Jones, Jordan Kent | Facilities Management | 336-770-3325 | jonesj@uncsa.edu |
Jones, Matthew D | School of Filmmaking | 336-770-1349 | jonesm@uncsa.edu |
Joyner, Pamela G | Stevens Center | joynerp@uncsa.edu | |
Julio, Kris Kristina | School of Design and Production | 336-770-1346 | juliok@uncsa.edu |
Kamiab, Jane C | Financial Aid | 336-770-1452 | kamiabj@uncsa.edu |
Kammerud, Jessica Tandy | School of Design and Production | 336-734-2927 | kammerudj@uncsa.edu |
Kava, Caroline | School of Drama, Emeritus | kavac@uncsa.edu | |
Kavass, Veronica | Division of Liberal Arts | kavassv@uncsa.edu | |
Keen, Robert C | School of Filmmaking | 336-631-1281 | keenr@uncsa.edu |
Keesee, Vanessa B | Campus Performance Facilities | keeseev@uncsa.edu | |
Keller, Jennifer | Health Services | kellerj@uncsa.edu | |
Kelley, Michael J | School of Design and Production | 336-770-1307 | kelleym@uncsa.edu |
Kelly, Kory P | Chancellor's Office | 336-770-3374 | kellyk@uncsa.edu |
Kelly, Sarah J | Advancement | 336-770-3382 | kellys@uncsa.edu |
Kelpin, Guy A | School of Music | kelping@uncsa.edu | |
Kerr, Matt Matthew | Physical Security Integrations, Commerce & OneCard Management | 336-631-1210 | kerrw@uncsa.edu |
Ketner, Claire Christine | Advancement | 336-770-3332 | ketnerc@uncsa.edu |
Keyvan, Roksanna | Center for Design Innovation | keyvan.r@artist.uncsa.edu | |
Khachatryan, Gevorg M | School of Dance | khachatryan.g@artist.uncsa.edu | |
Khatsko, Polina | School of Music | khatskop@uncsa.edu | |
Kibler, Bethany Anne | Division of Liberal Arts | kiblerb@uncsa.edu | |
Kimbrough, Cleo H | Campus Performance Facilities | kimbroughc@uncsa.edu | |
King, Robert A | Division of Liberal Arts, Emeritus | kingb@uncsa.edu | |
Klaimon, Elizabeth A | Division of Liberal Arts | 336-631-1515 | klaimone@uncsa.edu |
Kluttz, Charlie Charles | School of Drama | ekluttz@artist.uncsa.edu | |
Knourek, Pamela L | School of Design and Production, Emeritus | knourekp@uncsa.edu | |
Koch-Rein, Anson | Division of Liberal Arts | koch-reina@uncsa.edu | |
Komljenovic, Ksenija | School of Music | komljenovick@uncsa.edu | |
Koonin, Angela Mutch | Health Services | 336-631-1584 | koonina@uncsa.edu |
Kottyan, Tim David | School of Filmmaking | 336-631-1505 | kottyant@uncsa.edu |
Kovacsi, Janos | School of Filmmaking | 336-770-1341 | kovacsi@uncsa.edu |
Kozadayev, Ilya | School of Dance | 336-770-1380 | kozadayevi@uncsa.edu |
Kozadayev, Pamela | School of Dance | kozadayevp@uncsa.edu | |
Kraus, Edward S | School of Design and Production | 336-770-3222 | krause@uncsa.edu |
Krizo, Nicole | Health Services | noakesn@uncsa.edu | |
Kuyler, Karen L | School of Dance | kuylerk@uncsa.edu | |
LaCosse, Steven | School of Music | 336-631-1537 | lacosses@uncsa.edu |
LaVack, Lloyd David | Technology | 336-770-1467 | lavackl@uncsa.edu |
LaVine, Deborah | School of Filmmaking | 336-770-1333 | lavined@uncsa.edu |
Labosky, Theodore P | Stevens Center | laboskyt@uncsa.edu | |
Lane, Jill Dawn | High School Academic Programs | 336-726-6968 | lanej@uncsa.edu |
Langs, John P | School of Drama | langsj@uncsa.edu | |
Lantz, KayRon V | School of Drama | 336-761-6043 | lantzk@uncsa.edu |
Larrabee, Kara H | School of Design and Production | larrabeek@uncsa.edu | |
Larsen, Eric Charles | School of Music, Emeritus | larsene@uncsa.edu | |
Larson, Michael T | Campus Police | 336-734-2970 | LarsonM@uncsa.edu |
Launer, Eric C | Stevens Center | 336-734-2987 | launere@uncsa.edu |
Lavarias, Joey A | School of Music | lavariasj@uncsa.edu | |
Lavin, Leah E | Advancement | lavinl@uncsa.edu | |
Lawrence, Kevin John | School of Music | 336-770-3360 | lawrencek@uncsa.edu |
Lawrence, LeeAnna | Division of Liberal Arts, Emeritus | lawrela@uncsa.edu | |
LeBaube, Dianna P | Financial Aid | 336-770-3299 | lebaubed@uncsa.edu |
Leak, Rayven Nishae | Student Affairs | leakr@uncsa.edu | |
Lee, William E | Technology | 336-770-3315 | leew@uncsa.edu |
Leigh, Keith J | Campus Police | leighk@uncsa.edu | |
Leslie, Chad W | School of Design and Production | 336-734-2931 | lesliec@uncsa.edu |
Lester-Moratzka, Kjersten J | School of Design and Production | 336-770-1359 | moratzkak@uncsa.edu |
Levin, Janna Melissa | Division of Liberal Arts | levinj@uncsa.edu | |
Lewis, Ashley Lavon | Residence Life | 336-770-3280 | lewisa@uncsa.edu |
Lewis, Jeffrey T | School of Drama, Emeritus | ||
Liberty, Cynthia | UNCSA Foundation | 336-770-3333 | libertyc@uncsa.edu |
Lindsey, Lawrence A | School of Dance | lindseyl@uncsa.edu | |
Linney, Sonya Michelle | Health Services | 336-631-1585 | linneys@uncsa.edu |
Linney, Thomas K | Technology | 336-631-1231 | linneyk@uncsa.edu |
Linster, Midoria C | Library | linsterm@uncsa.edu | |
Little, Gloria J | Stevens Center | littleg@uncsa.edu | |
Lizama, Irma | Facilities Management | 336-770-3324 | lizamai@uncsa.edu |
Lloyd, RaSheeda D. | Purchasing | 336-734-2880 | lloydr@uncsa.edu |
Logan, Dakota James Wayne | Facilities Management | 336-631-1528 | logand@uncsa.edu |
Logan, Eleanor T | Campus Performance Facilities | logane@uncsa.edu | |
Logan-Henthorn, Andrea N | Campus Performance Facilities | logan-henthorna@uncsa.edu | |
Lopina, Joe | School of Filmmaking | 336-631-1502 | lopinaj@uncsa.edu |
Lord, Richard | Health Services | lordr@uncsa.edu | |
Lorenzo, Nicholas A | Office of the Exec. VC and Provost | lorenzon@uncsa.edu | |
Loscombe, Ciara Marie | Kenan Institute | loscombec@uncsa.edu | |
Lowe, Leonard E | Purchasing | 336-631-1204 | lowee@uncsa.edu |
Loyd, Meika R | Campus Police | 336-770-1423 | loydme@uncsa.edu |
MacLeod, Melissa Diane | Office of the Exec. VC and Provost | macleodm@uncsa.edu | |
MacManus, Cameron Rockwell | Office of the Exec. VC and Provost | 336-734-2950 | macmanusc@uncsa.edu |
MacMinn, Geordie | School of Drama | 336-770-3240 | macminng@uncsa.edu |
Macdonald, Sandi | Chancellor's Office | macdonalds@uncsa.edu | |
Mahoney, Angela L | Human Resources | 336-770-3317 | mahoneya@uncsa.edu |
Maidoff, Natasha | School of Filmmaking | maidoffn@uncsa.edu | |
Mallory, Heidi M | VC for Finance & Administration | 336-770-3303 | malloryh@uncsa.edu |
Mandel, Susan D | Residence Life | 336-770-3278 | santos-mandels@uncsa.edu |
Maranville, David Hampton | Facilities Management | 336-770-3325 | maranvilled@uncsa.edu |
Marine, Sam J | School of Filmmaking | marines@uncsa.edu | |
Marple, Adam C | School of Drama | marplea@uncsa.edu | |
Marshall, Smith Haizlip | Transportation | marshall.s@artist.uncsa.edu | |
Martin, Angela Elizabeth | Campus Police | martina@uncsa.edu | |
Martin, Jacob A | Campus Performance Facilities | martin.j@artist.uncsa.edu | |
Martin, Kelly Langston | School of Drama | martink@uncsa.edu | |
Martin, Laura Marie | School of Dance | 336-734-2884 | martinl@uncsa.edu |
Martin, Pierce | Residence Life | martinp@uncsa.edu | |
Martin, William Steve | Facilities Management | 336-770-3322 | martinw@uncsa.edu |
Martinez, Candy Noriko | School of Music | 336-770-3252 | martinezc@uncsa.edu |
Massa, Bob | School of Filmmaking | 336-770-1354 | massab@uncsa.edu |
Mazza, Patricia A | Campus Performance Facilities | mazza.p@artist.uncsa.edu | |
McCann, Tim J | School of Filmmaking | 336-770-3377 | mccannt@uncsa.edu |
McCarter, Molly | School of Design and Production | 336-734-2926 | mccarterm@uncsa.edu |
McClain, Corey Desmond | School of Dance | 336-770-3209 | mcclainc@uncsa.edu |
McCollum, Barron | Facilities Management | 336-986-8692 | mccollumb@uncsa.edu |
McCormick, Karen | Student Affairs | 336-770-3275 | mccormickk@uncsa.edu |
McCullough, Marissa | School of Dance | 336-770-3211 | mcculloughm@uncsa.edu |
McCullough, Susan McKee | School of Dance, Emeritus | mcculloughs@uncsa.edu | |
McDowell, Carol L | Campus Performance Facilities | mcdowell.c@artist.uncsa.edu | |
McIver, Heidi Elska | School of Drama | 336-770-3235 | mciverh@uncsa.edu |
McKinny, Laura Hart | School of Filmmaking | 336-770-1344 | mckinl@uncsa.edu |
McMasters, Tommy | Campus Police | 336-770-3349 | mcmasterst@uncsa.edu |
McMillan, Kathryn LK | Office of the Exec. VC and Provost | 336-770-3262 | mcmillank@uncsa.edu |
McNeely Cobham, B. Afeni | Chancellor's Office | 336-631-1551 | mcneelycobhamb@uncsa.edu |
McNeil, Sue Ellen | Advancement | 336-770-3330 | mcneils@uncsa.edu |
McNeill, Mitsy Hoshino | School of Music | 336-770-3255 | mcneillm@uncsa.edu |
McRay, Anna | School of Drama | mcray.a@artist.uncsa.edu | |
McSwain, Fulton Louis | Institutional Engagement | 336-734-2826 | mcswainf@uncsa.edu |
Medlin, Katherine | Health Services | medlink@uncsa.edu | |
Messick, Mark | School of Filmmaking | 336-770-1368 | messickm@uncsa.edu |
Messick, Sylvia L | School of Dance | 336-734-2882 | messickl@uncsa.edu |
Midgette, Jasheen L | Financial Services | 336-770-1353 | midgettej@uncsa.edu |
Millar, Rosemary Veronica | Division of Liberal Arts | 336-631-1509 | millarr@uncsa.edu |
Miller, Darren Eldon | School of Filmmaking | 336-631-1285 | millerd@uncsa.edu |
Miller, Jared | School of Music | millerja@uncsa.edu | |
Miller, Katherine A | School of Filmmaking | 336-770-1356 | millerk@uncsa.edu |
Miller, Kim | School of Drama | 336-770-3238 | millerki@uncsa.edu |
Miller, Michael R | School of Filmmaking | 336-770-1325 | millerm@uncsa.edu |
Miller, Richard H | Division of Liberal Arts, Emeritus | millerr@uncsa.edu | |
Miller, Robin Lynette | Facilities Management | 336-770-3324 | millerro@uncsa.edu |
Mills, Joseph Robert | Division of Liberal Arts | millsjr@uncsa.edu | |
Mitchell, Brent D | Facilities Management | 336-631-1267 | mitchellb@uncsa.edu |
Mitchell, Christopher L | Campus Performance Facilities | mitchellc@uncsa.edu | |
Mitchell, Hector | Facilities Management | 336-631-1273 | hectorm@uncsa.edu |
Mitchell, James Edward | Facilities Management | 336-770-3324 | mitchellj@uncsa.edu |
Mitchell, Reagan P. | Division of Liberal Arts | 336-631-1506 | mitchellr@uncsa.edu |
Mizzi, Stephen L | Campus Police | mizzis@uncsa.edu | |
Mobley, Nita | Purchasing | 336-770-3320 | mobleyn@uncsa.edu |
Moccia, Loredana | Division of Liberal Arts | moccial@uncsa.edu | |
Montgomery, Jacob Andrew | Facilities Management | 336-631-1528 | montgomeryj@uncsa.edu |
Montgomery, Timothy Austin | Transportation | montgomery.t@artist.uncsa.edu | |
Moore, Adam | Technology | moorea@uncsa.edu | |
Moore, Clark B | Campus Police | moorec@uncsa.edu | |
Moore, Linda A | High School Academic Programs, Emeritus | moorel@uncsa.edu | |
Moos, Katherine Lee | Health Services | 336-631-1512 | moosk@uncsa.edu |
Morrow, Ian T | Office of the Exec. VC and Provost | morrow.i@artist.uncsa.edu | |
Moss, Lynda M | High School Academic Programs, Emeritus | mossl@uncsa.edu | |
Muhlenkamp, Katie Hatcher | Office of the Exec. VC and Provost | muhlenkamp.k@artist.uncsa.edu | |
Munda, Brad | Campus Performance Facilities | 336-734-2867 | mundab@uncsa.edu |
Murray, Mollie | School of Drama, Emeritus | murraym@uncsa.edu | |
Myers, Allison B | Marketing | myersa@uncsa.edu | |
Myers, Tasha M | Institutional Engagement | 336-770-3212 | myerst@uncsa.edu |
Nash, Victoria M | UNCSA Foundation | 336-631-1270 | nashv@uncsa.edu |
Nayak, Preetam | Marketing | 336-734-2891 | nayakp@uncsa.edu |
Neal, Jeremy Todd | Campus Police | nealj@uncsa.edu | |
Neal, Scottie D | Campus Police | neals@uncsa.edu | |
Nelson, Danielle Katharine | Division of Liberal Arts | nelsonda@uncsa.edu | |
Nelson, Rashaad J | Counseling Services | nelsonr@uncsa.edu | |
Nemat-Gorgani, Shahin | School of Filmmaking | nemat-gorganis@uncsa.edu | |
Nguyen, Thao Thanh | School of Drama | tnguyen@artist.uncsa.edu | |
Nicolas, Emily A | School of Dance | nicolase@uncsa.edu | |
Niforos, Alexander J | Transportation | niforos.a@artist.uncsa.edu | |
Nkansah, Valerie | Residence Life | nkansahv@uncsa.edu | |
Norman, Mark A | School of Music | 336-770-3357 | normanm@uncsa.edu |
Norris, Camilla Ashely | Human Resources | 336-770-1318 | norrisc@uncsa.edu |
Norwood, Jimmy Lee | Facilities Management | 336-631-1236 | norwoodj@uncsa.edu |
Nottke, Eric C | School of Design and Production | nottkee@uncsa.edu | |
Nottke, Monique | Admissions | 336-770-1471 | nottkem@uncsa.edu |
Nuckols, Melanie L | Financial Services | 336-770-3301 | nuckolsm@uncsa.edu |
Nussbaum, Rebecca L | Office of the Exec. VC and Provost | 336-770-3339 | nussbaumr@uncsa.edu |
O'Connell, Richard | Stevens Center | oconnellr@uncsa.edu | |
O'Neal, Robin P | Campus Performance Facilities | 336-734-2866 | onealr@uncsa.edu |
Oakes, Vernita | Transportation | oakes.v@artist.uncsa.edu | |
Odle, Clifford | School of Drama | 336-770-3234 | odlec@uncsa.edu |
Oh, Annah Hyojin | School of Music | oha@uncsa.edu | |
Olabode, Jasil Amir | Office of the Exec. VC and Provost | olabodej@uncsa.edu | |
Olsen, Timothy J | School of Music | 336-770-3254 | olsent@uncsa.edu |
Onipko, Ganna | School of Dance | onipko.g@artist.uncsa.edu | |
Orenstein, Janet | School of Music | 336-770-3358 | orensteinj@uncsa.edu |
Orr, Brooke Elizabeth | Health Services | 336-770-1312 | orrb@uncsa.edu |
Owens, Kenneth Ian | Student Affairs | owensk@uncsa.edu | |
Painter, Juanita O | Student Affairs | painterj@uncsa.edu | |
Pancella, Phyllis | School of Music | pancellap@uncsa.edu | |
Pancoast, Rebecca L | School of Design and Production | pancoastr@uncsa.edu | |
Pandi, Tamar | Technology | 336-631-1205 | tamar@uncsa.edu |
Paris, Andy Martin | School of Drama | 336-631-1508 | parisa@uncsa.edu |
Parks, Paula D | Financial Services | 336-770-3308 | parksp@uncsa.edu |
Parks, Susan E | Campus Performance Facilities | parkss@uncsa.edu | |
Patterson, Stephanie Willow | School of Music | pattersons@uncsa.edu | |
Payne, Luke S | School of Music | 336-631-1531 | paynel@uncsa.edu |
Payne, Stacy | School of Filmmaking | paynes@uncsa.edu | |
Peck, Eric W | Advancement | pecke@uncsa.edu | |
Pecoraro, Joseph A | School of Music | 336-631-1538 | pecorj@uncsa.edu |
Penrod, Gary Allen | Financial Services | 336-770-3263 | penrodg@uncsa.edu |
Perry, Phillip M | Stevens Center | 336-734-2994 | perryp@uncsa.edu |
Peters, Barbara Ann | School of Drama | petersb@uncsa.edu | |
Pfefferkorn, Paul | High School Academic Programs | 336-631-1516 | pfeffp@uncsa.edu |
Phibbs, Darrell Franklin | Facilities Management | 336-631-1267 | phibbsd@uncsa.edu |
Phifer Huett, Nicole | High School Life | phiferhuettn@uncsa.edu | |
Phillips, Richard W | Center for Design Innovation | 336-416-8597 | phillipsr@uncsa.edu |
Pigg, Sloane W | Transportation | piggs@uncsa.edu | |
Pigg, Thomas Michael | Technology | piggt@uncsa.edu | |
Pitman, Simon | Health Services | pitmans@uncsa.edu | |
Pitt, Sharon I | Transportation | pitt.s@artist.uncsa.edu | |
Pittard, Matthew | Budget | 336-770-3314 | pittardm@uncsa.edu |
Pollock, Dale | School of Filmmaking, Emeritus | pollockd@uncsa.edu | |
Pooley, Anthony | Facilities Management | 336-770-3376 | pooleya@uncsa.edu |
Porter, Susan W | Human Resources | 336-770-1493 | porters@uncsa.edu |
Poston, Tiger R | School of Filmmaking | 336-631-1500 | postont@uncsa.edu |
Powell, Phillip M | School of Design and Production | powellp@uncsa.edu | |
Powers, Casey L | Division of Liberal Arts | 336-631-1558 | caseyp@uncsa.edu |
Price, Justen | Residence Halls | pricej@uncsa.edu | |
Priest, Marley | Campus Performance Facilities | priestm@uncsa.edu | |
Prince, Clifton W | Campus Performance Facilities | princec@uncsa.edu | |
Prince, Evangeline A | Campus Performance Facilities | princee@uncsa.edu | |
Proud, Joseph | Advancement | proudj@uncsa.edu | |
Pruitt, Elaine | High School Academic Programs, Emeritus | pruitte@uncsa.edu | |
Puc, Krystyna | Division of Liberal Arts | 336-734-2854 | puck@uncsa.edu |
Purcell, Alicia | Office of the Exec. VC and Provost | purcell.a@artist.uncsa.edu | |
Putnam, Lindsay E | School of Design and Production | putnaml@uncsa.edu | |
Quesinberry, Richard Henry | Facilities Management | 336-631-1267 | quesinberryr@uncsa.edu |
Quesinberry, Sara Ann | Facilities Management | 336-770-3328 | quesinberrys@uncsa.edu |
Quick, Michael E | Facilities Management | 336-770-3376 | quickm@uncsa.edu |
Quinn, Margaret P | Campus Performance Facilities | quinnm@uncsa.edu | |
Radke, Brett M | School of Drama | radkeb@uncsa.edu | |
Rainwater, Kathryn M | Stevens Center | 336-721-1946 | rainwk@uncsa.edu |
Razza, Paul Christopher | School of Filmmaking | 336-770-3264 | razzap@uncsa.edu |
Redick, Jared O | School of Dance | 336-631-1559 | redickj@uncsa.edu |
Reid, Alicia Mary | School of Drama | reida@uncsa.edu | |
Reilly, Brennan Arthur | Office of the Exec. VC and Provost | reillyb@uncsa.edu | |
Rencher, Dewey Burton | School of Filmmaking | 336-631-1275 | rencherb@uncsa.edu |
Ressler, Scott | School of Filmmaking | 336-770-1347 | resslers@uncsa.edu |
Rhoads, Jonathon | School of Filmmaking | rhoadsj@uncsa.edu | |
Rhodes, Timia D | Campus Police | rhodest@uncsa.edu | |
Richardson, Cassandra Lynn | School of Design and Production | richardson.cl@artist.uncsa.edu | |
Richey, Evan | School of Filmmaking | richeye@uncsa.edu | |
Richmond, Ramona S | Residence Life | 336-770-3279 | richmondr@uncsa.edu |
Ridley, Joshua R | Marketing | ridleyj@uncsa.edu | |
Rimawi, Sarah | Financial Services | 336-770-1328 | rimawis@uncsa.edu |
Rimes, Eric | School of Design and Production, Emeritus | rimese@uncsa.edu | |
Rinando, Lucian | Office of the Exec. VC and Provost | rinando.l@artist.uncsa.edu | |
Rivas, Isalia | Facilities Management | 336-770-3324 | rivasi@uncsa.edu |
Roberson, James E | Campus Police | 335-770-3321 | robersonj@uncsa.edu |
Robertson, Quandrea Diana | Student Affairs | robertson.q@artist.uncsa.edu | |
Rocco, Robert | School of Music | 336-770-1446 | roccor@uncsa.edu |
Rodgers, Andre M | Facilities Management | 336-770-3324 | rodgersa@uncsa.edu |
Rodish, Cameron A | School of Dance | rodish.c@artist.uncsa.edu | |
Rogers, Chase Bannister | Technology | 336-770-1435 | rogersc@uncsa.edu |
Romeo, Natascha Marie | Student Affairs | 336-770-1316 | romeon@uncsa.edu |
Romney, Jason | School of Design and Production | 336-734-2937 | romneyj@uncsa.edu |
Rose, Saxton Cheyenne | School of Music | 336-770-3251 | roses@uncsa.edu |
Rosenberg, Ellen | Division of Liberal Arts, Emeritus | rosenberge@uncsa.edu | |
Ross, Aaron Randall | Student Affairs | 336-631-1266 | rossa@uncsa.edu |
Roubtsova, Yulia | Office of the Exec. VC and Provost | roubtsova.y@artist.uncsa.edu | |
Rudel, Sheri B | Student Affairs | rudel.s@artist.uncsa.edu | |
Rundell, Julie Ann Hannaford | School of Dance | rundell.j@artist.uncsa.edu | |
Russell, Amber N | Campus Police | 336-734-2955 | russella@uncsa.edu |
Rybicki, Matthew John | School of Music | rybickim@uncsa.edu | |
Saba, Emma | Office of the Exec. VC and Provost | saba.e@artist.uncsa.edu | |
Sabolcik, Christopher | High School Academic Programs | sabolcikc@uncsa.edu | |
Sanabria, Jeanette | Facilities Management | sanabriaj@uncsa.edu | |
Sansone, Angelina | School of Dance | 336-734-2881 | sansonea@uncsa.edu |
Santos, Hector R | Facilities Management | 336-770-3324 | santosh@uncsa.edu |
Scales, Kimberlie Lynette | Residence Life | scalesk@uncsa.edu | |
Schmaltz, Ryan C | School of Filmmaking | schmaltzr@uncsa.edu | |
Schmidt, Herbert L | UNCSA Foundation | 336-631-1202 | schmidth@uncsa.edu |
Schuenke, Ally Marie | Marketing | 336-770-3346 | schuenkea@uncsa.edu |
Schumpert, Amanda | Office of the Exec. VC and Provost | schumperta@uncsa.edu | |
Schumpert, Scott Andrew | UNCSA Foundation | schumperts@uncsa.edu | |
Schwartz, Eric Justin | School of Dance | 336-770-1433 | schwartze@uncsa.edu |
Schwecke, Kristin Dawn | Office of the Exec. VC and Provost | schweckek@uncsa.edu | |
Scolaro, James | School of Filmmaking | scolaroj@uncsa.edu | |
Scott, Jovan Alonzo | Facilities Management | scottj@uncsa.edu | |
Scott, Russell K | Stevens Center | 336-723-5059 | scottr@uncsa.edu |
Scott, William V | Transportation | scott.w@artist.uncsa.edu | |
See, Nicolette Marie | Stevens Center | see.nm@artist.uncsa.edu | |
Self, Eric S | School of Filmmaking | 336-734-2936 | selfe@uncsa.edu |
Semilian, Julian | School of Filmmaking | 336-770-1387 | semilianj@uncsa.edu |
Serkin, Maria Lynn | School of Music | 336-631-1524 | serkinm@uncsa.edu |
Shafer, Charles R | Office of the Exec. VC and Provost | cshafer@artist.uncsa.edu | |
Shapiro, Samuel J | School of Dance | shapiros@uncsa.edu | |
Sharpe, Daphne | Student Affairs | sharped@uncsa.edu | |
Sharpe, Michael J | School of Design and Production | 336-734-2976 | sharpem@uncsa.edu |
Sharpe, Paul C | School of Music | 336-770-3351 | sharpep@uncsa.edu |
Shelton, Cappi Leigh | Human Resources | 336-770-1470 | sheltonca@uncsa.edu |
Shrader, Natalie | Marketing | 336-631-1523 | shradern@uncsa.edu |
Shteinberg, Dmitri | School of Music | 336-631-1535 | shteinbergd@uncsa.edu |
Siebert, Glenn | School of Music | 336-631-1540 | siebertg@uncsa.edu |
Simmons, Vickie | Registrar | 336-770-3296 | simmonsv@uncsa.edu |
Simons, Kelly K | School of Design and Production | simonsk@uncsa.edu | |
Sims, Patrick J | Office of the Exec. VC and Provost | 336-770-3262 | simsp@uncsa.edu |
Singerman, Jessica | School of Filmmaking | 336-631-1280 | singermanj@uncsa.edu |
Smith, Allen | High School Academic Programs | 336-631-1521 | smitha@uncsa.edu |
Smith, Clinton W | School of Filmmaking | 336-770-1399 | smithc@uncsa.edu |
Smith, Frank | School of Dance, Emeritus | smithf@uncsa.edu | |
Smith, Frazier | School of Music | smithfr@uncsa.edu | |
Smith, James Michael | Transportation | smith.ja@artist.uncsa.edu | |
Smith, Jaylen C | Center for Design Innovation | smith.jay@artist.uncsa.edu | |
Smith, Kelly D | Institutional Research | smithke@uncsa.edu | |
Snyder, Brock H | High School Academic Programs | 336-770-1320 | snyderb@uncsa.edu |
Solomon, Jerry V | Technology | 336-770-1468 | solomong@uncsa.edu |
Sosa, Heidi | Registrar | 336-770-3295 | sosah@uncsa.edu |
Southern, Jason N | Facilities Management | 336-770-3376 | southernj@uncsa.edu |
Southern, Zachary G | Facilities Management | 336-770-3376 | southernz@uncsa.edu |
Spencer, David | School of Filmmaking | 336-770-1417 | spencerd@uncsa.edu |
Spencer, Scott E | Stevens Center | 336-734-2995 | spencers@uncsa.edu |
Sperti, Holli M | Student Affairs | 336-631-1223 | spertih@uncsa.edu |
Spivey, Aaron M | School of Design and Production | spiveya@uncsa.edu | |
Stanley, David | School of Design and Production | stanleyd@uncsa.edu | |
Stanley, Terri | High School Life | 336-770-3373 | stanleyt@uncsa.edu |
Stephens, Edward T | Physical Security Integrations, Commerce & OneCard Management | 336-770-1429 | stephense@uncsa.edu |
Stephenson, Monica D | School of Dance | stephensonm@uncsa.edu | |
Stephney, Sarah M | Campus Performance Facilities | murraystephney.s@artist.uncsa.edu | |
Stevens, Laura Dangerfield | School of Music | stevensl@uncsa.edu | |
Stevenson, Zachary Scot | School of Design and Production | 336-770-3226 | stevensonz@uncsa.edu |
Stewart, Courtney Wright | School of Dance | stewartc@uncsa.edu | |
Stiller, Kim | High School Academic Programs | 336-770-3245 | stillerk@uncsa.edu |
Stirm, Taylor L | Office of the Exec. VC and Provost | stirmt@uncsa.edu | |
Stone, Tracy | Facilities Management | 336-770-3325 | stonet@uncsa.edu |
Stowe, David | Campus Police | stowed@uncsa.edu | |
Stowe, Johnathan R | High School Academic Programs | stowej@uncsa.edu | |
Streblow, Nancy | High School Academic Programs, Emeritus | streblown@uncsa.edu | |
Streed, Regina Elinore | Office of the Exec. VC and Provost | 336-726-6965 | streedr@uncsa.edu |
Suarez, Deborah E | Office of the Exec. VC and Provost | suarez.d@artist.uncsa.edu | |
Sullivan, Sean | School of Dance | 336-734-2889 | sullivans@uncsa.edu |
Sultana, April A | School of Dance | sultanaa@uncsa.edu | |
Sutton, Aretha | Human Resources | 336-770-1377 | suttonar@uncsa.edu |
Sutton, Shuandrick | Purchasing | suttons@uncsa.edu | |
Sutton, Stephen Mark | Office of the Exec. VC and Provost | ssutton@artist.uncsa.edu | |
Sweeper, Donald E | School of Design and Production | sweeperd@uncsa.edu | |
Swift, Julia | School of Filmmaking | swiftj@uncsa.edu | |
Szabo, Jeanne P | Campus Performance Facilities | szabo.j@artist.uncsa.edu | |
Taub, Alexander | School of Music | tauba@uncsa.edu | |
Taylor, Endalyn M | School of Dance | 336-770-3207 | taylore@uncsa.edu |
Taylor, Lauren D | Financial Services | 336-770-3309 | taylorl@uncsa.edu |
Taylor, Marilyn | School of Music | 336-631-1541 | taylorm@uncsa.edu |
Taylor, Matthew | Residence Life | taylorma@uncsa.edu | |
Taylor, William B | Visual Arts | 336-416-8218 | taylorw@uncsa.edu |
Taylor-Kirkland, Rhonda E | Purchasing | taylor-kirklandr@uncsa.edu | |
Tchoupakov, Mikhail | School of Dance | 336-770-1431 | tchoupakovm@uncsa.edu |
Teng, Yu-Ang | School of Design and Production | tengy@uncsa.edu | |
Thelen, Valerie Jo | Chancellor's Office | 336-932-3917 | thelenv@uncsa.edu |
Thomas, Ollie Lamont | Stevens Center | thomaso@uncsa.edu | |
Thomason, Christia R | Library | 336-770-1392 | thomasonc@uncsa.edu |
Thompson, Beth | High School Academic Programs, Emeritus | thompsonb@uncsa.edu | |
Thompson, Ronald E | School of Filmmaking | 336-770-1324 | thompsonr@uncsa.edu |
Tilford, Joseph P | School of Design and Production, Emeritus | tilford@uncsa.edu | |
Tilley, Betty J | Financial Services | 336-770-1302 | tilleyb@uncsa.edu |
Torchynowycz, Alexa | Library | torchynowycza@uncsa.edu | |
Towns, Betsy J | Division of Liberal Arts | townsb@uncsa.edu | |
Tufts, Shannon | Technology | tuftss@uncsa.edu | |
Turbitt, Christine | School of Design and Production, Emeritus | turbittc@uncsa.edu | |
Tuttle, Angela | UNCSA Foundation | 336-631-1230 | tuttlea@uncsa.edu |
Upton, Melissa Grace | Marketing | 336-631-1522 | uptonm@uncsa.edu |
Upton, Radha | Office of the Exec. VC and Provost | upton.r@artist.uncsa.edu | |
Valentine, Jeanette M | Purchasing | 336-770-3319 | valentinej@uncsa.edu |
Vanderwoude, John | Campus Performance Facilities | vanderwoude.j@artist.uncsa.edu | |
Vest, Liza Elizabeth | Kenan Institute | 336-770-1441 | vestl@uncsa.edu |
Vilchik, Lauren | School of Filmmaking | 336-770-1323 | vilchikl@uncsa.edu |
Volz, William M | School of Design and Production | 336-770-3230 | volzb@uncsa.edu |
Vorobiev, Dmitri V | School of Music | 336-631-1532 | vorobievd@uncsa.edu |
Wade, Anna | Office of the Exec. VC and Provost | wade.a@artist.uncsa.edu | |
Wade, Bland | School of Design and Production | 336-734-2979 | wadeb@uncsa.edu |
Wakeford, Michael P | Division of Liberal Arts | wakefordm@uncsa.edu | |
Walbourn, Christopher | Campus Police | 336-734-2966 | walbournc@uncsa.edu |
Walker, Ronee M | School of Design and Production | 336-770-3217 | walkerr@uncsa.edu |
Walker, RoseMary C | Admissions | 336-770-3285 | walkerro@uncsa.edu |
Walkowski, Matthew David | School of Filmmaking | 336-734-2836 | walkowskim@uncsa.edu |
Walter, Gregory C | School of Drama | 336-770-1455 | walterg@uncsa.edu |
Washington, Roda Marsha | Facilities Management | 336-770-3324 | washingtonr@uncsa.edu |
Washington, Talisha | Purchasing | washingtont@uncsa.edu | |
Watson, Dolores Kay | School of Filmmaking | 336-770-1332 | watsond@uncsa.edu |
Weade, Daryl M | Library | weaded@uncsa.edu | |
Weesner, Amelia M | Office of the Exec. VC and Provost | arichards@artist.uncsa.edu | |
Weesner, Joshua D | Office of the Exec. VC and Provost | jweesner@artist.uncsa.edu | |
Werner, Bridget | Advancement | wernerb@uncsa.edu | |
West, Matthew | Stevens Center | 336-734-2988 | westm@uncsa.edu |
West, Patrice | Admissions | westp@uncsa.edu | |
West, Tiffany | Purchasing | westt@uncsa.edu | |
Wetzel, Maura D | Admissions | 336-631-1548 | wetzelm@uncsa.edu |
White, Ovid A | Campus Police | whiteo@uncsa.edu | |
Whitehouse, Brooks | School of Music | whitehouseb@uncsa.edu | |
Whitehurst, Chase Davis | School of Drama | whitehurstc@uncsa.edu | |
Whitlock, Kenneth | Facilities Management | 336-770-3376 | whitlockk@uncsa.edu |
Whittington, Andrea | Facilities Management | 336-770-3323 | whittingtona@uncsa.edu |
Whittington, Richard Glenn | Advancement | 336-770-1372 | whittingtonr@uncsa.edu |
Wilcox, Dean | Division of Liberal Arts | wilcoxd@uncsa.edu | |
Wilemon, Ken Ray | School of Dance | wilemonk@uncsa.edu | |
Wiley, Katherine M | Division of Liberal Arts | wileyk@uncsa.edu | |
Willey, Aaron Ramey | High School Academic Programs | willeya@uncsa.edu | |
Williams, Maggie Ann | Institutional Engagement | 336-770-1305 | williamsm@uncsa.edu |
Williams, Patricia A | Facilities Management | 336-770-3324 | williamsp@uncsa.edu |
Williams, Rachel | Division of Liberal Arts | 336-770-3243 | williamsra@uncsa.edu |
Williams, Sarah C | School of Filmmaking | 336-770-1477 | williamss@uncsa.edu |
Wilmot, Kenneth L | School of Music | 336-734-2824 | wilmotk@uncsa.edu |
Wilson, Dennis | Technology | 336-770-1472 | wilsond@uncsa.edu |
Wilson, Jeffrey Alan | School of Filmmaking | wilsonje@uncsa.edu | |
Wilson, Wade | School of Design and Production | 336-770-1331 | wilsonw@uncsa.edu |
Winkelman, David | School of Music | 336-770-1315 | winked@uncsa.edu |
Winkelman, Lauren D | School of Music | winkelman.l@artist.uncsa.edu | |
Witmer, Adam Andrew | School of Dance | 336-770-1454 | witmera@uncsa.edu |
Woodyard, Jamie A | School of Design and Production | 336-770-3216 | woodyardj@uncsa.edu |
Woolard, William L | Facilities Management | 336-631-1544 | woolardl@uncsa.edu |
Wooten, Shannon L | Residence Life | 336-770-1453 | wootens@uncsa.edu |
Wright, Carolyn L | Campus Performance Facilities | wright.c@artist.uncsa.edu | |
Wright, Ico L | Campus Performance Facilities | wrighti@uncsa.edu | |
Wright, Latonya T | Stevens Center | 336-770-3365 | wrightl@uncsa.edu |
Wright, Shannon Ellis | Advancement | 336-770-1427 | wrights@uncsa.edu |
Yager, Abigail R | School of Dance | 336-734-2883 | yagera@uncsa.edu |
Yang, Ming-Lung | School of Dance | 336-770-1430 | yangm@uncsa.edu |
Yates, Lila E | Registrar | 336-770-3289 | yatesl@uncsa.edu |
Yokeley, Allison Renn | High School Academic Programs | yokeleya@uncsa.edu | |
Young, Kristen Moriah | Office of the Exec. VC and Provost | young.k@artist.uncsa.edu | |
Young, Robert C | School of Music | 336-770-3353 | youngr@uncsa.edu |
Young, Timothy E | Advancement | 336-631-1203 | youngt@uncsa.edu |
Zerbe, Jennet | School of Dance | 336-734-2859 | zerbej@uncsa.edu |
Zubick, Kimberly R | School of Filmmaking | 336-734-2860 | zubickk@uncsa.edu |