High School Life

High School

High School Life

The High School Program at UNCSA offers a dynamic and engaging experience for students in grades 9-12, whether they live on campus in our residence halls or commute from nearby communities. Students are encouraged to actively participate in campus life by attending UNCSA performances, joining student clubs, and taking part in a variety of on-campus activities tailored to the high school experience.

In addition to students’ studies in arts and academics, we offer a wide range of extracurricular activities designed to enhance the high school experience. These include study groups, hiking trips, affinity groups, student government, leadership development, career exploration, and social events such as karaoke and movie nights. These initiatives create a vibrant and inclusive community where students can connect, have fun, and build lasting friendships.

Our dedicated staff and residential life educators serve as vigilant guardians ensuring the safety and well-being of our high school artists.

Tammy Ford

Assistant Dean of High School Life
Tammy Ford
Email: fordta@uncsa.edu
Office: 336-770-3371

At UNCSA High School Life, our dedicated residential life educators serve as vigilant guardians ensuring the safety and well-being of our high school artists.

In addition, our staff foster a vibrant and inclusive community by organizing a myriad of extracurricular activities, ranging from study groups and hiking trips to affinity groups, clubs, student government, leadership development, career exploration, and even karaoke and movie nights. These initiatives collectively enrich the overall high school experience, providing a supportive, fun and engaging environment for our talented students to thrive.