Dual Employment Regulation 606
Regulation 606 | Approved: February 17, 2011 |
UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA SCHOOL OF THE ARTS Dual Employment Regulation Regulation 606 |
Source of Authority: | UNC Code § 403 |
Revision Authority: | Board of Trustees |
History: | First Issued: February 17, 2011 |
Related Policies and Regulations: | Criminal Background & Credit Checks Regulation 604; Illegal Drug Policy 702; Workplace Violence Regulation 706 |
Responsible Offices: | Human Resources Department General Counsel |
Effective Date: | February 17, 2011 |
I. Purpose
The Dual Employment regulation is a state-wide uniform policy to be followed when one state agency secures the services of an employee of another State agency on a part-time, consulting or contractual basis. It is recognized that conditions vary widely from agency to agency; however this regulation will attempt to cover as many different situations as possible and to strike a sound balance between the interest of the State, the agency, the employee and the public.
II. Scope
This regulation applies to all full-time, permanent, University of North Carolina School of the Arts employees.
This regulation applies only to dual employment situations involving one employee and two North Carolina agencies as defined by this regulation.
This regulation does not apply to secondary employment situations as defined by this regulation.
III. Definitions
A. “Borrowing Agency” means the State department, agency, or institution seeking on a temporary or part-time basis the services of an employee of another State agency.
B. “Dual Employment” refers to the situation in which a specifically identified State employee performs “part-time, consulting or contractual” services for a State agency other than his or her parent agency with the specific approval of both the borrowing and the parent agencies.
C. “Parent Agency” means the State department, agency, or institution having control over the services of the employee, and from which the employee receives his or her regular pay check.
D. “Secondary Employment” refers to the situation in which a specifically identified State employee engaged on a full-time basis, performs any additional work for an entity other than a State agency.
IV. Regulation
A. It is the policy of UNCSA to defer to the North Carolina Office of State Personnel’s Dual Employment Policy § 3 pp. 16-23 (https://oshr.nc.gov/policies-forms/employment-records/dual-employment)
V. Revision History
A. February 17, 2011 – Adopted by Board of Trustees as part of UNCSA Policy Manual
Dual Employment Procedures
Procedure 606
I. UNCSA as the Borrowing Agency
A. After the terms of service has been confirmed and approved by the parent agency and rendered by the employee, the department then originates a Dual Employment Certification Form, CP-30 Section 1, indicating the date(s) of service, payment funding source, and the amount of pay plus social security.
B. Once Section 1 of the CP-30 has been completed, the form is then submitted with a Direct Pay Request form (opens in new tab) to the Accounts Payable office. The Direct Pay Request should include salary plus social security (benefits where applicable) as one line item with account code 730140 Employee on Loan Payments. The Direct Pay Request should also indicate under “Requested Check Distribution” the “UNCSA Financial Services” for final processing.
C. The UNCSA Financial Services will submit the CP-30 along with a check for the appropriate amount to the parent agency that in turn will pay the employee for the services rendered.
D. The parent agency will complete Section 2 of the CP-30 and return a signed copy to the borrowing agency. Completed CP-30 forms are collected through the UNCSA Financial Services and kept on file.
II. UNCSA as the Parent Agency
A. The UNCSA Financial Services will receive a CP-30, along with payment, from the borrowing agency.
B. Once the CP-30 has been reviewed and approved by the finance office it will be sent through campus mail (in triplicate) to the department in which the employee has performed services.
C. Each copy of the CP-30 should then obtain the appropriate signatures specified in Section 2 and returned to the UNCSA Financial Services.
D. At that time the payment will be deposited within the department’s specified fund.
E. One copy will be returned to the borrowing agency, one kept on file in the UNCSA Financial Services, and one will be submitted to payroll for processing.