Employment & Volunteer Options

The primary intent of an F-1 student is to study. It is important that your academics take precedence over any employment opportunities. There are several employment options available and volunteering is permissible if it adheres to the guidelines noted below. 


Volunteers are individuals who donate their services, usually on a part-time basis, for public service, religious or humanitarian objectives. Volunteers are not employees of the religious, charitable or similar non-profit organization and there should not be any expectation of pay for the service provided.

Before doing any volunteer work, review the criteria test:

  • No expectation of compensation in any form.
  • Cannot displace someone who would be paid for providing the same service.
  • Cannot be work for which the individual was previously paid or would expect to be paid in the future.
  • The service provided must be less than a full-time occupation.
  • The service provided is for a non-profit organization for public service, religious or humanitarian objective.
  • Cannot be at a for-profit organization.

On Campus Employment

As an F-1 student, you are eligible to work on campus without requiring DSO approval; however, you will need to contact your DSO for assistance in obtaining a social security number. Email one of the international advisors to set up an appointment to review the process for obtaining a social security number.

You must have a job offer prior to requesting an appointment. Ask the on campus employer to provide you with an offer letter. The offer letter should be on UNCSA letterhead and signed by the hiring manager. The on campus employer may contact one of the international advisors for an offer letter template if they do not have one on file. 

Off Campus Employment

F-1 Students are not allowed to work off campus, this includes any gigs or internships, without DSO approval. There are only two ways to work off campus and those are Curricular Practical Training (CPT) and Optional Practical Training (OPT). Both of these options must be an integral part of your arts curriculum.