Faculty Council

The UNCSA Faculty Council serves as the executive committee of the faculty, and is convened between meetings of the faculty to advise the Chancellor on matters pertaining to the institution that are of interest and concern to the members of the faculty.

Matters of interest brought to the Faculty Council are discharged to the five faculty standing committees: Campus Development, Educational Policies, Faculty Development, Faculty Rank, and Faculty Welfare. In turn, analysis and advice conveyed to the Faculty Council by these standing committees is communicated to the Chancellor and the faculty as deemed appropriate. Actions are reported in the Council's minutes, reports, motions and resolutions.

2024-2025 Officers

Chair – Jeff George
Vice Chair – Clifford Odle
Secretary – Wade Wilson

Faculty Council Roster

Conservatories, Departments & Divisions

  • Dance: Jared Redick (year 1); Alt: Dayna Fox
  • Drama: Andy Paris (year 1); Alt: Quin Gordon
  • Design & Production: Eric Nottke (year 2) Alt: Will Taylor
  • Filmmaking: Jeff Hammer (year 2); Alt: Chris Dorr
  • Music: Dmitri Vorobiev (year 2); Alt: Oskar Espina-Ruiz
  • High School Academic Program: Martha Golden (year 2); Alt: Aaron Willey
  • Division of Liberal Arts: Joe Mills (year 1); Alt: Anson Koch-Rein
  • Library: Kait Dorsky (year 1); Alt: Christia Thomason
  • Adjunct Faculty: Kirtan Coan (year 2)


  • Chair, Campus Development: Michael Dodds (year 1) - ex-officio
  • Chair, Faculty Development: Rosemary Millar (year 2) - ex-officio
  • Chair, Educational Policies Committee: Janine Hawley (year 1), Kjersten Lester-Moratzka (year 2) - ex-officio
  • Co-Chair, Faculty Rank: Steve LaCosse (year 2) and Greg Walter (year 1) - ex-officio
  • Chair, Faculty Welfare: Anson Koch-Rein (Year 2) – ex-officio
  • Ombuds Committee (at least one rep must be a member of faculty council): Division of Liberal Arts: Mike Wakeford; School of Music: Kevin Lawrence

Faculty Assembly

  • Faculty Assembly Representative: Ellen Rosenberg (year 1) - ex-officio
  • Faculty Assembly Representative: Elizabeth Klaimon (year 2) - ex-officio


  • At-Large: Jeff George (Year 2)
  • At-Large: Clint Smith (Year 1)
  • At-Large: Abby Yager (Year 2)

Minutes, Reports, Motions and Resolutions

For earlier minutes, please contact the University Archivist.











