Headshot Guidelines

Headshot Guidelines

Headshots are offered to UNCSA faculty members and to staff, administrators and board members as necessary, for the purpose of maintaining consistent image assets across the UNCSA website. Headshots are managed by Strategic Communications, and questions should be directed to Sasha Hartzell


Headshots are scheduled by Strategic Communications two times per year — in the fall semester and again in the spring. Each individual session lasts approximately 10 minutes. Strategic Communications maintains an ongoing list of those on campus who need headshots and will contact individuals to secure a time slot in advance. Please contact Sasha Hartzell if you’d like to be scheduled for the next shoot.

Reshoot cost

Departments are charged $50, only if a reshoot is requested. Faculty/staff should have payment approved by their department before requesting a reshoot. Reshoots are available if there are open time slots available once all new sign ups are complete.


You will have the opportunity to select 1-2 photos from your session for editing. You will receive a digital copy of your preferred headshot to use professionally. If approved by your department, a reshoot may be available.

Editing & Consistency

Our goal is to portray authentic images of UNCSA faculty and staff. Images are edited by the photographer and additional edits are not allowed.

To maintain consistency, headshots taken elsewhere and submitted for use on the UNCSA website are not generally accepted. Any exception requires approval from the Vice Chancellor for Strategic Communications.

What to wear

Headshots are horizontal and only show the upper-half of your body. Please avoid loud prints and light colors. As a recommendation, jewel tones tend to look universally flattering. If you are a musician, bring your instrument if you can.