Media Guidelines
The University of North Carolina School of the Arts is a public university and welcomes media as well as the public to campus. However, our classes and rehearsals and teaching and learning spaces are expressly for our faculty to conduct the training of our students. Of special consideration is the fact that UNCSA counts underage high school students among its student body.
Any members of the media who wish to access campus, specific facilities (including the Stevens Center) and/or employees and students must seek permission of the Office of Strategic Communications. Media presence shouldnot distupt university activities, interfere with the privacy of employees or students, or jeopardize the safety of university personnel. Media must also park in designated areas as arranged in advance through the communications office.
Specific public information requests as allowed by state statute by the news media or the public should be directed to the Director of Media Realtions and Communications (opens in new tab).
A member of the Strategic Communications office will facilitate interviews with employees and/or students, and will accompany members of the media while on campus. Employees/students are free to speak openly to the press if they choose to do so.
News Photography/Videography
Members of the press must contact the Office of Strategic Communications before any photography or filming is conducted.
Commercial Photography/Videography
Any commercial, non-news photography or videography must also be approved in advance. Commercial, non-news requests should be directed to the Director of Media Relations and Communications.