Minor in Multiple Woodwinds

Undergraduate BulletinMinor in Multiple Woodwinds




While specialization in a single instrument is the most common path taken by conservatory performance students, other viable paths to successful professional careers exist. One such path involves the study of multiple (3 or more) woodwinds, a path then frequently leading to increased diversity of opportunity in the theatre pit, in the studio, on the stage, and as an instructor. The Minor in Multiple Woodwinds provides a mechanism through which appropriate and motivated woodwind students might organize elective work into a coherent foundation in this specialized career path. The intention is not to reduce the high level of development expected of the student in their primary instrument, but rather to provide opportunity for focused development in both a secondary and a tertiary instrument. While the work of this minor will not automatically ensure uniform mastery of these additional instruments, it will nonetheless result in the laying of a solid foundation upon which additional development can occur.

Bachelor of Music

Undergraduate Arts Certificate



Summary of Requirements for the Minor in Multiple Woodwinds
(total of 15 credits)

Minor Applied Study (total of 6 credits)

Minor Instrument #1 (Fall/Spring of C2 year)

  • Fall (C2) – Weekly lessons of 60 minutes (2 credits)
  • Spring (C2) – Weekly lessons of 30 minutes or bi-weekly lessons of 60 minutes (1 credit)

Minor Instrument #2 (Fall/Spring of C3 year)

  • Fall (C3) – Weekly lessons of 60 minutes (2 credits)
  • Spring (C3) – Weekly lessons of 30 minutes or bi-weekly lessons of 60 minutes (1 credit)

Ensembles for Applied Minor (total of 4 credits)

Minor Instrument #1 (Spring C2 year/Fall C3 year)

  • Spring (C2) – Large (or Chamber) Ensemble (1 credit)
  • Fall (C3) – Large (or Chamber) Ensemble (1 credit)

Minor Instrument #2 (Spring C3 year/Fall C4 year)

  • Spring (C3) – Large (or Chamber) Ensemble (1 credit)
  • Fall (C4) – Large (or Chamber) Ensemble (1 credit)

Seminar in Multiple Woodwinds (total of 1 credit)

Involves both minor instruments (Spring C3 year)

Performance Project in Multiple Woodwinds (total of 1 credit)

Involves both minor instruments (Fall or Spring C4 year)

Minor Electives (total of 3 credits)

These credits can be fulfilled in a variety of ways, including the following:

  • Additional lessons in Minor Instrument #1 or Minor Instrument #2, with approval of dean or designee
  • Additional ensembles in Minor Instrument #1 or Minor Instrument #2
  • Lessons in a Minor Instrument #3, with approval of dean or designee
  • Ensemble(s) in a Minor Instrument #3
  • Improvisation (1 or 2 credits)
  • LIT 2980: A Brief History of Musical Theatre (3 credits)
  • Other courses (Music, DLA, UNCSA), with approval of the associate dean


Eligibility and Application

Eligibility and Application Procedure and Timeline for the
Minor in Multiple Woodwinds


Eligibility exists on two levels.

Basic UNCSA eligibility includes the following elements:

  • Must have at least C2 standing;
  • Must have a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or greater at the time of application for the minor;
  • Must be in good standing with the university, as evidenced by approval of the application by the dean or assistant dean of the Division of Liberal Arts, and the director of Student Conduct.

School of Music eligibility includes the following elements:

  • Must submit a formal application, in part declaring which two additional instruments will be the focus of the minor;
  • Must demonstrate basic ability or significant potential through an audition in the two instruments intended as focus of the minor; the audition is evaluated by the director of the Minor in Multiple Woodwinds in consultation with the pertinent faculty of the woodwind department;
  • Must have physical access to the two declared instruments;
  • Must have approval of their applied faculty of their major primary instrument; and
  • Must be in good standing with the School of Music, as evidenced by approval of the application by the dean or associate dean of the School of Music.


Application Procedure and Timeline

Because work of the Minor in Multiple Woodwinds begins in fall of the C2 year, planning and preparation for the application needs to be undertaken during the C1 year.

  1. The student consults with their applied faculty of their major primary instrument. If agreement is reached that pursuing the Minor in Multiple Woodwinds is appropriate to their overall development, then the process continues with step #2.
  2. The student consults with the director of the Minor in Multiple Woodwinds, who assists them in confirming the most appropriate choice of minor instruments to pursue.
  3. The student consults with their Music Program Advisor within the School of Music as part of course planning and pre-registration held during spring semester. An appropriate class in Minor Applied Study is provisionally added to their fall semester schedule.
  4. Before the conclusion of spring semester, the student presents an audition for the director of the Minor in Multiple Woodwinds, demonstrating basic ability or significant potential in the two instruments intended as focus of the minor. If the audition is assessed as successful, then the process continues with step #5.
  5. During the summer, after the student’s level has been advanced by the Registrar from C1 to C2, the student submits the formal application for acceptance into the Minor in Multiple Woodwinds.

Further Information

Further Information

For information regarding the Minor in Multiple Woodwinds, please contact Associate Dean David Winkelman at winked@uncsa.edu.