Apply & Audition

Apply & Audition


Participants meeting the eligibility guidelines below will be admitted to either the POE or POI upon completing an application and submitting an audition recording.

  • Participants are between the ages of 13-18
  • For the POE, participants should exhibit an intermediate level of piano proficiency
  • For the POI, participants must have had at least one year of organ study or have attended at least one AGO Pipe Organ Encounter and should have piano proficiency ranging from intermediate to advanced

Application details

To apply for the POE or POI, complete an application at this link(opens in new tab) being careful to select the desired option and submit all audition materials no later than May 10, 2024. POE applicants may be accepted prior to the submission of audition materials, which may be sent at any point before the audition deadline.  POI applicants with completed applications and audition requirements will receive a decision within 3 business days.  

Application Deadline: May 25, 2024

Audition Requirements

Submit a current (withing the past 3 months) recording of your playing, showcasing at least two pieces with contrasting styles via YouTube or file-sharing application to  Students will be notified of acceptance into either the POE or POI within three weeks of receipt of the recording and completed application (including application fee).

Audition deadline: May 25, 2024

Contact Program Director, Timothy Olsen, with questions.
Timothy Olsen