Drama Summer Intensive Curriculum

Drama Summer Intensive Curriculum

Drama College Prep Conservatory

Divided into separate Acting and Musical Theater tracks, the UNCSA Drama College Prep Conservatory is a summer program designed to enhance performance skills while giving students a taste of conservatory life. An audition is required.

Enrollment is limited to high school age students, age 15 or rising high school sophomores and up. Enrollment is limited to 75, allowing for intimate class size with individualized attention. Study with faculty from our world-class institution as well as distinguished guest artists. Develop the skills necessary to gain an edge in applying to competitive college Acting/Musical Theatre programs. Both tracks will culminate in a showcase of student work. Each track will encompass the following:

Acting Track

  • Audition monologue prep
  • Text analysis culminating in scene work
  • Voice work encompassing heightened text
  • Mask and Movement class
  • On-camera technique

Musical Theatre Track

  • Private singing lessons
  • Audition monologue prep
  • Ensemble work
  • Dance class focused on Musical Theatre/Jazz
  • Mask and Movement class
  • On-camera technique

Sample Daily Schedule

Time Acting Track Musical Theatre Track
9 - 10:30 a.m. Mask/Movement/Dance Classes Mask/Movement/Dance Classes
10:45 a.m. - 12:15 p.m. Voice Class Warm-ups, Music Theory, Ensemble work
12:15 - 1 p.m. Open Rehearsal Time Warm-ups, Music Theory, Ensemble work, continued
1 - 2 p.m. Lunch Lunch
2 - 3:30 p.m. Audition Monologue Prep Singing Tutorials
3:45 - 5 p.m. On-camera/Text analysis classes On-camera/Text analysis classes
5 - 7 p.m. Dinner and Open Rehearsal Time Dinner and Open Rehearsal Time
7 - 8:45 p.m. Optional Evening Master Classes Optional Evening Master Classes

Schedule subject to change

Audition Requirements

Auditions for the 2025 program will be electronic. Please send audition materials to this email address:


The Program Director will respond within 10 days of your audition submission.  The deadline for auditions is April 15, 2025.

Acting Track applicants should email a Vimeo or YouTube video link with two contrasting monologues no more than 2.5 minutes in length.

Musical Theatre Track applicants should email a Vimeo or YouTube video link of a 32-bar cut of a song from musical theater repertoire as well as a contemporary monologue. Total video length should be no more than 2.5 minutes