College International Study & Performance Opportunities
UNCSA offers international trips for college and graduate students to perform abroad or take in-depth studies in a particular art discipline. Most of these trips are by invitation only through the faculty who are leading the trips. Contact your instructor or the International Study Coordinator for upcoming trips.
Previous Trips
The Spain Tour Program built exchange programs with European conservatories. Students
travelled to Spain to perform for top-specialized professors during an intensive residency
at the Real Conservatorio Superior de Música de Madrid and the Escuela Superior de
Canto de Madrid; and then to perform this repertoire in concerts at the 18th-century
Bauer Palace in Madrid and the Manuel de Falla Concert Hall at the Madrid Royal Conservatory.
Led by Oskar Espina-Ruiz, School of Music.
A ten-day trip to Vienna, Austria and Berlin, Germany gave filmmaking and music students an awareness of international opportunities and allows them to meet with alumni working in Europe. Led by Hans Gabriel, Division of Liberal Arts.
Kyoto International Dance Workshop Festival and the Movement Lab in Taipei. Led by
Abigail Yager, School of Dance.
International Music Festival of the Adriatic in Italy is a chamber music festival for strings, piano, voice and composition. Students experience 3-1/2 weeks of making music with musicians from around the world at the United World College of the Adriatic in Duino, Italy. Led by Brooks Whitehouse, School of Music.
TaWanna Archia, International Study Coordinator