Hans Gabriel is a Professor of German Studies in UNCSA's Division of Liberal Arts. Of his teaching style, he says, "I simply try to engage students in such a way that they (A) feel motivated and empowered to continue to seek their own answers for the questions raised in the courses, (B) develop their ability to do so in written and oral expression, interaction and communication, and (C) realize the potential that A and B can have to enhance their art and their lives."
On the one hand, I try to connect what I teach to predictable practical paths students can take in their arts careers and lives. On the other hand, I present what I teach as a jumping-off point into the unknown; as an inspiration for students to consider possibilities in their arts and in their lives that neither they nor I can anticipate.
- In addition to his undergraduate, graduate and doctoral work, he has studied at the Pädagogische Hochschule Ludwigsburg, Universidad de Sevilla, Universität Tübingen and Freie Universität Berlin
- Ongoing education and professional development, including participation in and presentations at numerous seminars on culture and pedagogy in Austria and Germany; NEH Summer Seminars in Vienna (2001) and on Translation in the Humanities (2013)
- Wake Forest University, visiting faculty member
- Middlebury College's Deutsche Sommerschule (German Summer Language School), faculty member
- Scholarly publications and presentations on: Grillparzer, Musil, Hofmannsthal, Mörike, Freytag, Stifter, Keller, Berthold Auerbach, German-language Realism, narrative structure and the German-language Novelle
- Has taught language and culture courses in German from the first- to third-year college level and a variety of courses in English translation on 19th- and 20th century German-language literature and culture
- Organizes a regular “Stammtisch,” or German conversation table, as an opportunity for UNCSA students to speak and connect with other German-speakers from the community and local universities
- Participated in the Fulbright campus review process as an advisor, committee member and committee chair
- Has organized UNCSA study abroad opportunities in Germany and Austria:
Awards, Recognitions and Honors
- UNC Board of Governors’ Excellence in Teaching Award – May 2015
- UNC School of the Arts Excellence in Teaching Award – January 2015
- North Carolina and National Association of Teachers of German (NCAATG & AATG)
- Modern Language Association (MLA)
- American Literary Translators Association (ALTA)
- Nineteenth Century Studies Association (NCSA)
- Interdisciplinary Nineteenth Century Studies (INCS)
- Association of Literary Critics, Scholars and Writers (ALCSW)
- Modern Austrian Literature and Culture Association (MALCA), now Austrian Studies Association (ASA)
PhD in German Language & LiteratureUniversity of Virginia
MA in German Language & LiteratureUniversity of Virginia
BA German & SpanishUNC-Chapel Hill