Lily Chan


Hershey, PA

School of DanceFourth-Year Student

Lily Chan

Lily Chan was born in Hershey, Pennsylvania and is currently at UNCSA working towards a Bachelor of Fine Arts Degree in Contemporary dance with a minor in Arts Entrepreneurship. In 2015 she began her early dance training at the Grier School, an all-girls boarding school where she was taught by Joci Hrzic and Danielle Bower. While she was there she was in pieces by Norbert De La Cruz III, Peter Chu, Tracie Stanfield, Jason McDole, and Robert Priore.

In 2020, she was accepted and began her schooling at UNCSA. Here, she has received her mat Pilates certification and has been given extensive training in Classical Ballet, Countertechnique, Cunningham, West African, Trisha Brown, and LimoĢn contemporary dance styles. UNCSA has provided Lily with experience of performance opportunities in proscenium settings, site specific works and film to expand her dancing career. These performances have included works by Darrell Grand Moultrie, Ashley Lindsay, Robert Battle, Grady Bowman, Anthony Lee Bryant, Andrew Harper, Ming-Lung Yang as well as student choreographers and self choreographed work.

During the summers of 2022 and 2023, Lily has worked for the American Dance Festival as the Wyse Finance intern as well as the Merchandise and Administrative Coordinator where she expanded her skillset in arts management. She is grateful for an education that has given her many projects and tools to expand her ideas of what her dance career might look like. After graduating, Lily will be attending Wake Forest University where she will be pursuing her Masters in Management Degree.