Joiya is a second-year student in the School of Design and Production majoring in Costume Design and Technology. They are from Traverse City, Michigan, and have been greatly enjoying their time in North Carolina. At home, they have a dog named Tuppy and two ginger cats named Fred and George. In their free time, they enjoy reading, knitting, hammocking, baking/cooking and playing board games with friends. They are very excited to be an ambassador and look forward to helping whenever they can!
What is your fondest memory on campus and why?
Towards the end of my freshman year, my friend Alex and I went to the Beaux Arts and spent hours in the bubble area (they had a bubble maker on site that was constantly making soap bubbles) and just played around. It was such a fun and relaxing end to the year.
When you get homesick, what helps you?
Because I'm from so far away, I get homesick on a fairly consistent basis. Whenever I get homesick, I call my family if they're available, and try to cook myself meals that I associate with home. I'll also watch shows or movies that mean something to my family, or listen to music that they would sing to me when I was little.