Studio Recital Series
The UNCSA Percussion Ensemble joins members of the United States Army Old Guard Fife and Drum Corps for an exciting concert.
The Fife and Drum Corps is the only unit of its kind in the armed forces, and is part of the 3rd U.S. Infantry Regiment (The Old Guard). The musicians recall the days of the American Revolution as they perform in uniforms patterned after those worn by General George Washington's Continental Army. The Corps uses 10-hole fifes, handmade rope-tensioned drums and single-valve bugles that bring to life the exciting sounds of the Continental Army. As an official representative of the U.S. Army, the Corps averages approximately 500 performances annually, performing in major parades, pageants and historical celebrations throughout the United States and serving America as a goodwill ambassador as far away as Europe, Australia and Canada.
In support of the president, the Corps performs at all armed-forces arrival ceremonies for visiting dignitaries and heads of state at the White House, and has participated in every Presidential Inaugural Parade since President John F. Kennedy's in 1961.
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December 1, 2021