Visiting Artists

Visiting Artists

METL develops projects with local, national and international artists to share work, ideas and images from around the world and from our own backyard.

On this page:

"The Tree I Carry" โ€“ A Journey to Iran through Winston-Salem

A series of powerful immersive experiences including film, soundscapes, video collage, music and poetry, this was a unique, insightful reverie between Iran and Winston-Salem as dreamed by Iranian-American filmmaker and UNCSA adjunct faculty member Shahin Gorgoni.

In partnership with MUSE Winston-Salem and the Thomas S. Kenan Institute for the Arts, this installation was hosted by TSKIA from Oct. 19-21, 2023, in the Creative Community Lab, and funded in part by the National Endowment for the Arts and the Thomas S. Kenan Institute for the Arts.

"The Tree I Carry"

Internationale Filmschule (IFS)

An exchange program between UNCSA School of Filmmaking and IFS, an international film school based in Cologne, Germany, saw the arrival of the IFS team for a two-week residency at UNCSA in January, 2024. METL hosted the international MA Film students in the Cube to add Virtual Production to their short film on transportation in a small city in the American South, "Journeys in Suburbia." In fall 2023, UNCSA film students were hosted by IFS in Cologne as part of the exchange in which both schools jointly developed short documentaries that examined a socially relevant topic.

International Filmschule

METL Immersive Storytelling Residency Program (2019-21)

From 2019-21, the METL Immersive Storytelling Residency Program consisted of participants from around the country with complementary skill sets including game developers, technical artists and screenwriters/producers to gather for six-months at the Center for Design Innovation to create an immersive project of their choosing.