Naming Opportunities

There are a number of ways your gift to University of North Carolina School of the Arts may be named in honor or memory of a friend, relative or member of the UNCSA family. Or, you may make a contribution to the School of the Arts in honor of an individual or organization. 

For more information on any of these naming opportunities, please contact the Office of Advancement at 336-770-3330.


Scholarship funds support annual awards to students and may be based upon achievement or financial need. Your scholarship gift may be unrestricted and used where the need is greatest, or you may dedicate your gift to one of the five arts schools: Dance, Drama, Music, Design & Production or Filmmaking.

Named Endowed Scholarships
Minimum $25,000

Named Annual Scholarships Minimum $5,000 per year over a 4 year time frame


Income from endowed faculty funds is used to provide supplemental salary and additional support for travel, equipment needs, staff assistants, research, special projects and other activities to enhance teaching for resident faculty.

Named Endowed Professorship Minimum $1 million

Guest Artists

Your gift can bring noted guest artists to the campus to teach and share their experiences with students. Guest artists represent the plurality of approaches in the arts and complement the work of the school’s resident faculty. Guest artist endowment funds provide money for travel, housing and salaries.

Named Guest Artist Endowment Fund Minimum $25,000

Living and Learning Environment

The School of the Arts' campus offers numerous naming opportunities, from individual rooms to entire buildings, as well as special public areas such as performance spaces.