Drama Policy for Student Participation in Films
Undergraduate Drama students are encouraged to participate in student films, and need to follow specific guidelines for doing so. This information can be found in the Attendance Policy in the School of Drama Art Hub.
Please remember:
- Studio 1 Drama students cannot be excused from classes or other required activities to participate in student films.
- Studio 3 and 4 Drama students cannot be excused from rehearsals for filming. Rehearsals are 6-9 p.m. weekdays with additional hours on Wednesdays from 2:30-5 p.m. Some shows also have Saturday rehearsal hours.
- In order to receive an excused absence for classes or other required activities, Drama students must receive approval at least two weeks prior to the first absence.
- To receive approval, the Filmmaking student must complete and submit the Drama School Actor Agreement (opens in new tab). The Drama student must complete and submit the Undergraduate Absence & Attendance Form (opens in new tab).