Faculty FAQs for Canvas
Some of the top questions and their answers when using Canvas.
- If you have questions about Canvas that are not addressed here, contact Kate Douglass, Faculty Canvas Support Specialist.
- If your students report problems that they have with Canvas, encourage them to submit a help ticket by clicking the “?” button that appears in the global navigation menu in Canvas.
How do I log on to UNCSA's Canvas or reset my password?
Navigate to www.uncsa.edu/canvas and log in with your Canvas username and password. Your Canvas username is identical to the first half of your UNCSA email address (everything before the @ sign). If you have never logged on before, of if you forgot your password, click the "Activate / Reset Password" link on the login page, and then on the next screen type your Canvas username in the box and then click the "Request Password" button. The system will then send you an email message with instructions on how to reset your password.
How do I see what classes I have in Canvas?
The student roster in Canvas isn't correct. What do I do about this?
You can see a complete list of students enrolled in the Canvas course space by logging on to your class and clicking "People."
If there are students who are attending your class and are not on that list, or students who are on that list who are not attending your class, the first thing you should do is check the official class roster in E-Z Arts. Canvas is designed to mirror what is in E-Z Arts, so most of the time if your Canvas roster is not correct, it is because the E-Z Arts roster is different from what you expect.
If the Canvas roster for your class matches E-Z Arts, any changes must be made through the Registrar's office. If the Canvas roster does not match the E-Z Arts roster, submit a help ticket in Canvas (click the "?" icon at the bottom of the global navigation menu, and "report a problem"). If you submit a ticket, include complete course information (three-letter prefix, course number, section number) and all relevant details (student names, and a description of the problem).
I don't know much about Canvas, but I want to do an easy setup and post some basic information. What can I do?
We created a basic Canvas course template that you can import into your new courses that might save you a lot of work setting things up, and make it easier for both you and your students to use Canvas, especially if you are just posting basic information. If you use a fairly basic course setup such as posting a syllabus and a few other items, you should use this template.
Note: You may be prompted to sign in to the web-based Microsoft Office. Use your UNCSA email credentials to sign in.
How to use this template video
When can students access new classes in Canvas?
Students can only access your class if you publish it. If your class has been published, they can access it and participate in it starting on the official first day of the new semester.
When will my new courses appear in Canvas, and when I can start working on them?
You can expect new classes to appear in Canvas about 30 days before the new semester starts; and in the future, you may even get access much further in advance. You can begin working on them as soon as you have access; and it is recommended that you do not publish your course until it is ready.
How long will I have access to my Canvas classes?
At least two years. At the conclusion of each semester, all courses will go into a "read only" state. This means that you cannot change grades, create new assignments, or otherwise change the permanent records of student participation in the course; however, you will still be able to copy the content into your new course.
I am assigning a grade of "Incomplete" to a student. How can I make sure Canvas is available for this student to submit assignments and for me to grade them?
If you need this kind of access to your Canvas class after the semester ends, please submit a help ticket (click the "?" icon in the global navigation menu, and choose "Report a Problem"). Provide full course information, including the three letter prefix, course number, and section number, and indicate that you wish to have this kind of access to a course after the term conclusion.