Facilities Management
Facilities Management
Facilities Management is responsible for the construction, renovation, repair and maintenance of approximately 908,921 gross square feet of campus buildings, located on nearly 65 acres. The department is a service organization, comprised of 57 skilled professionals who are dedicated to providing a safe, clean well functioning campus community. Design and Construction, Housekeeping, Grounds, Maintenance Services and Environmental Safety work together to improve the environment implementing projects that are high quality, cost effective and timely.

Capital Project Updates
Get the latest progress update on the capital projects on campus.

Maintenance Request
You can input work orders into a web-based work request system. Each maintenance mechanic has a handheld device that will allow them to receive your work requests directly in the field. You will no longer need to call the office to log your work requests.
Interactive Campus Map
The photorealistic interactive campus map will contain any changes on campus due to construction.