Vocal Test Recordings - Part I

Film School Stage 6

The goal was to capture different style a-cappella vocal recordings in a low-noise and nearly anechoic environment. The recordings should be suitable as a test signal when tuning and lining up vocal reinforcement systems in theatre. Every effort was made to make the recordings completely neutral — when playing these recordings you can trust that what you are hearing is your sound system and not any unwanted baggage from the recording. The recordings are organized below by microphone distance.

Earthworks M30 at 6 Inches Earthworks M30 at 3 Meters
Male Opera
Male Musical Theatre
Female Opera
Female Musical Theatre

These recordings were made on January 13th, 2010 in Sound Stage 6 at the UNCSA Film School byMFA/BFA sound design students Janie Bullard, Richard Coley and Sarah Ramos with faculty advisor Jason Romney. The hardware included Earthworks M30 Omnidirectional microphones at 6 inches & 1 meter away and a Presonus Digimax FS (opens in new tab) preamp, via ADAT into MOTU 8-Pre (opens in new tab), via firewire into a MacBook Pro using Logic Pro software to record the data. The audio files are formatted as WAV, 96 kHz / 24-bit.

creative commons logo Vocal Test Recordings March 2011 by University of North Carolina School of the Arts, School of Design and
Production is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.