Institutional Sustainability Committee Updates

Institutional Sustainability Committee Updates

Personnel, enrollment and financial resources represent the foundation of an institution’s long-term sustainability. Strengthening these aspects will be crucial for UNCSA to efficiently and effectively fulfill its mission. 

Personnel Sustainability

Spring 2024

  • 3% Legislative Salary Increase for all permanent employees effective July 1, 2024
  • Administered UNC System Employee Engagement Survey. Results will be received in fall 2024.
  • Quality Workplace Committee - Staff Enrichment (spring 2024) – 26 workshops with 301 attendees. Totals for FY24 – 66 workshops with 771 attendees. Example topics include Byte Size Tech, Slips and Falls, Position Control and Lapsed Salary, Spring Gardening Tips, Voter ID Rules.
  • Human Resources launched Electronic Personnel Action Forms (EPAFs) to increase efficiency, eliminate paper, and improve tracking. The Electronic Personnel Action Form (EPAF, or PAF) is a function of Banner that allows UNCSA to create paperless personnel actions. EPAFs provide a more efficient routing of temporary employment actions and allow an electronic approval process. Approximately 88 people have been trained to use EPAFS, including all art schools and liberal arts, as well as every department that consistently hires temporary employees.

Fall 2023

  • Launched supervisor’s onboarding guide on Canvas to improve hiring and onboarding experience from start to finish.
  • Continued to build staff enrichment offerings and participation. Fall 2023 included 27 workshops (from technology skills to insights into performances and wellness), with 311 participants. Feedback is extremely positive.
  • Continued to work towards consolidating technology platforms (moving off Superman and doing more with MS TEAMS). Launched the UNCSA Campus app (on Pathify) to improve communications and engagement.

Spring 2023

  • Implemented People Admin for position control and performance management to eliminate paper, and streamline the processes.
  • Developed an employee on-boarding guide in Canvas for roll out in late summer 2023.
  • The Quality Workplace Committee is focused on staff enrichment, including professional development and wellness opportunities for all staff during the school year. Between January and May 2023, nearly 300 participants attended 28 workshops and trainings (technical trainings, interpersonal skills trainings and wellness activities).


Enrollment Sustainability

Spring 2024

  • Application Submissions up 4% YTD. Enrollment Deposits up 8% YTD.
  • In response to the need to keep newly admitted students engaged and decrease melt, each of the art schools hosted their respective Admitted Student Day events (Drama hosts an entire weekend). The events ranged from guest film lecturers and dance premieres to dessert receptions and Opera showings. These events have been proven to bolster engagement, help form friendships, roommate pairings, and build camaraderie amongst the new incoming class. It is so important for students to feel connected to the institution before classes start in August.
  • Spring Enrollment Initiative - For Spring ’24, we set a goal of 10 students, and we successfully enrolled 12 students. This initiative makes our institution more desirable to transfer and non-traditional students. The goal for Spring ’25 will be 30 students. Admissions will work with Strat Comm to develop a marketing strategy that directly speaks to Spring recruitment.

Fall 2023

  • Admissions Counselors traveled to 60+ locations and participated in high school presentations, college fairs, studio visits and arts-based conferences. The goal of these trips is to provide access to all communities and recruit top artists from across the country.
  • NC Countdown to College (C2C), yielded 135 applications, across all conservatories (+30 applications more than last year), with 96% of C2C applications from Tier I or II counties. More than 25% of applicants indicated they are first-generation to college.
  • As of Nov. 13, 2023 applications are up 15% across all conservatories and degree levels, year over year. Undergraduate applications are up 15%. and high school applications are up 37%.
  • The Office of Admissions also implemented a Spring Enrollment Recruitment Plan to recover some of the loss from Fall '23 attrition and melt. This effort enrolled 10 additional students for January 2024. Next year's goal is to enroll 30 with a more robust communication plan and intentional recruitment efforts.

Spring 2023

  • As of June 1, 2023, applications are up 9% and enrollment numbers are slightly ahead, year over year. The team is working to achieve full enrollment by August.
  • UNCSA received a gift from the William R. Kenan Charitable Trust of $2.28 million to support our Posse Arts Scholarship initiative.. This funding will provide operating support for the next 3 years and bring the number of participants to 36.
  • Increased four-year graduation rate to 77.37% in 2022, against a goal of 80%.
  • For the first time, UNCSA participated in the NC Countdown to College program, where high school seniors receive an application fee waiver when they submit the FAFSA, complete NC residency documents and submit admissions applications to NC universities in mid-October. For UNCSA, this yielded 105 applications.
    • 96% of that group were from NC Tier I & II counties.
    • 25% of that group were noted as first-generation to college.
    • 24% of that group were admitted and/or have made a commitment to attend UNCSA in the fall. 


Facilities Sustainability

Spring 2024

  • Successfully bid Phase 1 of the Stevens Center renovation project. GMP within project budget.
  • Started construction for Stevens Center renovation Phase 1 - April 16, 2024
  • Posted RFQ for Design Services for Advanced Planning – Stevens Center renovation Phase 2.
  • Interviewed and selected Design Firm for Advanced Planning – Stevens Center renovation Phase 2.
  • Posted RFQ for CMR Preconstruction Services - Stevens Center renovation Phase 2.
  • Interviewed and selected CMR for Preconstruction Services – Stevens Center renovation Phase 2.

Fall 2023

  • Completed Stevens Center Phase 1 renovation construction drawing package. Review in progress.
  • Completed analysis of Stevens Center structural steel. No major issues identified.
  • Closed Stevens Center and turned over to Blum Construction to begin preparation for Phase 1 renovation.
  • Received $51 M in funding to complete the Stevens Center renovation Phase 2.
  • Received approval from UNC System Office and Board of Governors for a $24M capital project for a new high school residence hall. Stakeholders and senior administrators met to develop a scope of work that will be used for discussions with UNCSO for final scope and budget.
  • Re-roofing of major campus instructional and performance spaces.  Building envelopes have been extended by 20+ years.
  • Annual repair and rennovation expenditures indicate a 20.89% project execution rate (highest in the UNC System).

Spring 2023

  • Completed design drawings for the Steven Center Phase I renovation project. The renovation will begin November 15, 2023, and is expected to take 2 years to complete.
  • The NC House and Senate budgets authorize Phase II of the Stevens Center renovation project at the requested $51 million.
  • The NC House also authorized $25 million for a new High School residence hall several years out in the future. The NC Senate chose not to plan that far out.
  • Renovated and reopened a house on Main Street and spaces in A-F to bolster guest artist housing.

Fall 2022

  • Interviewed and selected design firms for the Stevens Center Renovations Phase 1.  The Advanced Planning Phase of the project was completed and approved in October 2022.  Schematic Design began December 2022 and will be complete in September 2023. Construction activities will start in November 2023.


Fiscal Sustainability

Spring 2024

  • Held the 2nd Annual Campus Budget Info Session to increase awareness and transparency. The following topics were discussed: FY24 Funding Changes, the UNC System Funding Model, Recurring State Funding, and final FY24 Funding Allocations.
  • Shared Budget Information presentations specifically with some of the Art Schools to increase awareness and engagement.
  • Completed testing of the new Microsoft phone system and will begin implementation in July 2024. The new phone system will increase efficiency in the use of resources.
  • Completed set-up and testing of the new Police and Public Safety parking system. The new parking system, which will increase efficiency in the use of resources, will be launched in July 2024.
  • Police and Public Safety have identified and began work on their first grant, which will be open for submission in Fall 2024. This is an opportunity for us to generate revenue from other outside sources to purchase needed safety items and equipment.

Fall 2023

  • Continuing to expand process improvement through use of Dynamic Forms (which allow for electronic completion and approvals), and then automatic posting into the Banner ERP System (e.g. – direct pay requests and journal entries).
  • Continuing to improve employee workload and efficiency by creating Power BI dashboards and reports, specific to users’ needs (e.g. – Student Accounts Receivables processing and shadow systems for arts schools), eliminating a legacy platform resulting in a cost savings.
  • Implementing new parking system for Police and Pubic Safety for cost savings.
  • Piloting a new phone system for cost savings.
  • Looking into possible grant opportunities for Police and Public Safety.

Spring 2023

  • Created and implemented a new finance data portal to enhance business practices, increase awareness and engage campus partners. In early April 2023 an all-employee meeting was held to review the portal including training on how to use it.
  • Implemented ESM Solutions ("Pickle Mart") software that streamlines the procurement process, reduces costs and improves operational efficiency. The software is cloud-based and integrates with Banner.
  • A team worked to identify an extensive list of revenue opportunities to address needs on campus. Three promising revenue-generating areas include enrollment growth, grants and partnerships, and programming capacity. The team is working on next steps.


Institutional Sustainability News
Stevens Center renovation rendering

Stevens Center Renovation

The multi-phase, comprehensive renovation of the Stevens Center will improve the patron and artistic experience for all the venue’s constituents—making critical upgrades to modernize the student learning experience and completing necessary roof and building envelope repair.

Renovation information