Core Institutional Values

Our 2016 employee engagement survey revealed a glaring omission in our ongoing efforts to make UNCSA one of the best places to work: a fundamental declaration of values that define and unite us a team.

So I asked our Quality Workplace Committee, led by Vice Chancellor for Economic Development and Chief of Staff Jim DeCristo, to survey a cross section of campus employees to find the right words to express what we stand for. Out of hundreds of possibilities, many of the same ones kept coming up.

Together with our mission, vision, and manifesto, this Core Institutional Values statement builds on the promise of one of our top strategic priorities: Fostering a Quality Workplace. These guiding principles, outlined below, reflect our highest aspirations. 

We are educators, leaders, technicians, artists and citizens from all walks of life. For all our differences, and regardless of our role in the ingrained silos of academe—administration, faculty and staff—we proudly uphold these shared values in dedicated service to our state and our students.

We value…

Community. We embrace diversity and inclusivity to promote mutual trust, respect and a sense of belonging. We are invested in the success of others and treat our colleagues with openness and kindness.

Collaboration. We foster a caring and collegial team mindset across departments and disciplines. We work to impact the lives of our students and enrich our society. We commit to showing up for our colleagues and learning from others.

Imagination. We dream big even when we must start small. We seek novel ideas and fresh perspectives to overcome organizational challenges. We’re not afraid to buck convention.

Integrity. We hold ourselves to the highest personal and professional standards. We model ethical conduct, operate with transparency and strive for excellence in all we do.

Grit. We persist and persevere to achieve our long-term goals. We look for ways to improve process and productivity. We prioritize actions that fulfill our mission and move us forward.

These are words to live by, and I will always strive to lead by them. 

This is also the perfect time to say “thank you” to all who participated in my four-year evaluation last fall. I’m grateful for both the affirmations and the feedback that will allow me to best serve this extraordinary institution.

Until next time,

M. Lindsay Bierman

February 07, 2019