Share your Pickle pride with new Instagram GIFs

November 14 is a big dill. It’s one of our favorite days of the year! National Pickle Day is the perfect time for UNCSA students, alumni, faculty, staff, parents and friends to share their Pickle pride and to honor our beloved mascot, the Fighting Pickle.

This year, we aren’t limiting the celebration to one day. Starting now, you can enjoy using UNCSA-branded pickle GIFs on your Instagram stories 365 days a year.

Use UNCSA's GIFs to show your Pickle pride

A suite of UNCSA GIFs are now available to use on Instagram.

The initial 10-piece collection includes seven pickles, plus three fun UNCSA GIFs. Below, you’ll find a step-by-step guide to use them, plus a short video walkthrough:

Using UNCSA GIFs on Instagram stories 

  1. Open the Instagram app on your phone
  2. Tap the camera icon on the top left of your screen—or swipe right—to open stories
  3. Tap on the bottom left of your screen to select a photo from your camera roll
  4. Select a photo
  5. Tap the top right sticker icon
  6. Select GIF
  7. Using the search bar, type in “uncsa”
  8. Select your favorite GIF to add to your photo
  9. Move, resize, and perfectly position your pickle—you can add multiple GIFs!
  10. Tap “Save” in the bottom left of your screen if you want to save to your camera roll
  11. Tap “Send To” in the bottom right of your screen to post to your Instagram stories or send to a friend
See how to add UNCSA GIFs to your Instagram stories

Watch our (silent) walk through, illustrating how to use UNCSA's new GIFs on Instagram.

Be sure to tag our @uncsa Instagram account in your stories so we can see your creative work and share some of our favorites. If you’re not an Instagram user (but why, though?), we haven’t forgotten about you. You can also send our GIFs via email or share to other social media platforms by visiting our GIPHY page.

Thanks for spreading the love. Go Fighting Pickles!

Have a suggestion for a future GIF?


November 14, 2018