High Stakes

Young Ben is obsessed with his late father's VHS monster movie collection. When his mom brings home a new boyfriend, Ben instantly sees a physical connection between the new man and the vampiric count from his movies. However, while on a quest to protect his mother from this new boyfriend, Ben develops an unlikely partnership with the very man he seeks to destroy.

High Stakes

Written and directed by Brian Storck, produced by Julia Lofton Walpole, cinematography by Ian McCay, production design by Julia Tayloe, edited by Bateman Lewis and music by Caroline Knight.

UNCSA student films are created in the course of the students’ filmmaking studies. UNCSA encourages creativity and experimentation in filmmaking, but the ideas and opinions in the films are solely those of the student filmmakers. The films are not rated by the Motion Picture Association and may contain content that is not appropriate for younger viewers, and may be objectional to some viewers.