Krista Steinour
Krista Marie Steinour is a rich-voiced mezzo soprano from Clemmons, NC. She has a history of being involved with rigorous choirs and is currently involved with Bel Canto of Greensboro and the Winston-Salem Choral Artists. Similarly, she has a history of performing with local theaters including The Little Theater and Theater Alliance.  After earning her bachelor’s degree in music therapy from Appalachian State University, Krista practiced as a board certified music therapist in Georgia, California, and Pennsylvania. Currently, Krista teaches preschool music at Mt. Tabor Preschool and recently opened her own business entitled Music Matters with Krista Marie working with people from 3-103. When she isn’t performing, teaching, or rehearsing, Krista loves to play with her two cats and travel with her partner, Robert.


B.M.Appalachian State University