Bruno Louchouarn

Interdisciplinary StudiesDivision of Liberal Arts, Emeritus

Bruno Louchouarn

Bruno Louchouarn was named an emeritus faculty member of the UNCSA Division of Liberal Arts in 2018. He was a faculty member from 2014-18.

Louchouarn taught Interdisciplinary Studies in the Division of Liberal Arts, the School of Design & Production and the School of Filmmaking and collaborated with the schools of Dance, Drama and Music and the Center for Design Innovation. He was posthumously awarded Emeritus Faculty by Chancellor Lindsay Bierman and the UNCSA Board of Trustees. 


Ph.D. Theory and CompositionUCLA

M.A. Composition (Music)UCLA

DEA Artificial IntelligenceUniversité Pierre & Marie Curie, Paris

M.S. Artificial IntelligenceUniversité Pierre & Marie Curie, Paris

B.S. Computer ScienceUniversité Pierre & Marie Curie, Paris