Updates from the UNC Board of Governors

I am writing to share my report from the most recent meeting of the UNC Board of Governors. This month’s meeting is the first to occur in the new UNC System Office in Raleigh, a move that the N.C. General Assembly and UNC System announced in December 2021. These new offices occupy the top two floors of the Dillon building in downtown Raleigh. They will be the headquarters of the UNC System for the coming years while a new permanent facility is designed and built.
These ongoing reports highlight some of the important UNC System initiatives and decisions from each of the Board of Governors meetings, giving quick access to topics relevant to UNCSA. All materials from each session (opens in new tab) are published on the web, and all meetings are livestreamed and archived on PBS North Carolina (opens in new tab).
I am pleased to share that the board approved the appointment of alumna Nia Imani Franklin to the UNCSA Board of Trustees (opens in new tab). Nia earned her Master of Music from UNCSA in 2017 and is now a composer, actress and singer, as well as a former Miss America. She will fill the unexpired term of former trustee Paul Tazewell (B.F.A. Design and Production ’86).


Brian Cole 

General meeting of the UNC Board of Governors 

Jan. 19, 2023 - full agenda and meeting materials (opens in new tab) 

  • In his report, President Peter Hans announced that the UNC System Office is launching a comprehensive study of faculty workload, employment and recognition policies, including those related to fixed-term (adjunct) faculty. The work group will be co-chaired by Vice President for Academic Affairs David English and Faculty Assembly Chair Wade Maki.
  • As presented by the Committee on University Governance, the board voted to approve the appointment of Nia Imani Franklin to serve on the UNCSA Board of Trustees, filling the unexpired term of former trustee Paul Tazewell. This partial-term vacancy will last until June 2025. (See materials for University Governance Committee (opens in new tab).)

Joint Meeting of the Budget and Finance and Public Affairs Committees 

Jan. 18, 2023 – full agenda and meeting materials (opens in new tab)

  • The UNC System Office presented a draft of its system operating budget priorities for 2023-25 for the long session of the N.C. General Assembly. This draft was presented for information only and will be discussed and voted on in the February meeting. The proposal and numbers may be revised as part of this process. It currently includes further support for faculty and staff salaries, systemwide funding for cybersecurity needs, a new faculty incentive retirement program and an expansion of the state distinguished professorship funding match program, among other items. It also includes a UNCSA request for an additional $1 million in recurring funding for student physical and mental health support needs. (Pages 12-14)
  • The UNC System Office presented a draft of its system capital budget priorities for 2023-25 for the long session of the N.C. General Assembly. This draft was presented for information only and will be discussed and voted on in the February meeting. The proposal and numbers may be revised as part of this process. In addition to a request to maintain annual support for campus repair and renovation (R&R) funding, the draft also contains capital project requests from the 6-year capital proposals submitted by each campus. For UNCSA, that includes the request for Phase Two funding for the Stevens Center renovation project as well as support for a new high school residence hall. (Pages 15-26) 

Budget and Finance Committee  

Jan. 18, 2023 – full agenda and materials (opens in new tab); additional materials (opens in new tab)

  • The committee approved a resolution calling for the UNC System Office to develop an implementation plan for a self-funded student health insurance program. The initiative aims to reduce administrative expenses, enhance affordability, and increase flexibility and access to care. (Pages 6-8)
  • The UNC System staff presented a summary of the proposals for campus-initiative tuition and fee increases for all institutions. This report was for information only and will be discussed and voted on in the February meeting. (Pages 9-20 for tuition proposals; Pages 21-25 for fee proposals)

Educational Planning, Policies and Programs Committee  

Jan. 18, 2023 – full agenda and materials (opens in new tab)

No UNCSA topics to highlight.

University Personnel Committee 

Jan. 18, 2023 – full agenda and materials (opens in new tab) 

  • The committee gave a report on the utilization of System Faculty Recruitment and Retention funding for November and December. It included actions related to retention applications from N.C. State, UNC Asheville, UNC Chapel Hill, UNC Charlotte, UNC Greensboro and Western Carolina University. (Pages 5-7)

University Governance Committee 

Jan. 18, 2023 – full agenda and materials (opens in new tab) 

  • The committee voted to approve the appointment of Nia Imani Franklin to serve on the UNCSA Board of Trustees, filling the unexpired term of former trustee Paul Tazewell. This partial-term vacancy will last until June 2025. (Pages 9-10)
  • The UNC System Office presented a proposed revision to the UNC Policy Manual with the goal of codifying the System’s commitment to free expression and to restrict vague or ideologically motivated statement policies of any kind across UNC campuses. The proposed revision seeks to reduce, if not eliminate, situations whereby an employee or applicant for academic admission or employment is compelled to participate in political processes and/or support certain expression. The proposal will be discussed and voted on in the February meeting. (Pages 19-24)

Strategic Initiatives Committee 

Jan. 18, 2023 – full agenda and materials (opens in new tab) 

  • The UNC System Office presented a report on president and chancellor search practices across higher education. (Pages 4-20)
  • Chair of the UNC Faculty Assembly Wade Maki moderated a panel of UNC System faculty on their perspectives regarding leadership profiles and selection.

Past BOG Updates
November 2022
September 2022

January 20, 2023