Office of Student Financial Aid

High School BulletinOffice of Student Financial Aid

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The mission of the Office of Student Financial Aid is to serve prospective students and currently-enrolled students by providing information, assistance and guidance on ways to plan for and meet the costs of education at the University of North Carolina School of the Arts. The office administers a full range of aid programs.

Financial aid is provided to supplement the amount the student and parents can contribute toward the costs of the student’s education. The primary responsibility for paying for education rests with the student and their parents, who are expected to meet as much of the cost as possible.

Applying for Financial Aid

High school students may apply for institutional need-based scholarships. To be considered for need-based scholarships,the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) should be completed and submitted. Although high school students are not eligible for federal aid, the information provided on the FAFSA will enable the Office of Student Financial Aid to make decisions about eligibility for need-based institutional scholarships. Please note that need-based scholarships for high school students are extremely limited.

Other scholarships may be awarded by the arts dean, based on talent determined at the time of audition, interview, or evaluations. Students interested in talent-based scholarships may also wish to complete the FAFSA since the arts dean may use need criteria in combination with talent qualifications to determine scholarship awards.

Students will be notified about scholarship awards by the Office of Student Financial Aid.

Outside Scholarships

Information about scholarships from private foundations, professional organizations, religious organizations, community organizations, and civic groups may be available in your community or on the Internet. The Internet offers a wide range of free information and resource listings for students and prospective students in all areas of study. 

NOTE: Students awarded any scholarships from sources outside of UNCSA are required to report the amount and source to the Office of Student Financial Aid. If your financial aid package includes need-based aid, it is possible that a reduction in previously-awarded aid may be necessary.

Renewal of Financial Aid

Applicants must file a new FAFSA each year of enrollment to continue to be considered for need-based aid. Applicants can complete the FAFSA online at the following Internet address: Awards may vary from year to year based on changes in family circumstances and availability of funds.

Student Responsibilities

Students have the responsibility to:

  • Apply for admission;
  • Complete all financial aid forms accurately and submit them in a timely manner;
  • Reapply for financial aid each academic year;
  • Provide any additional information as requested by the Office of Student Financial Aid or any other UNCSA office;
  • Inform the Office of Student Financial Aid of any personal changes (increase or decrease in your financial resources, change in name, address and/or Social Security number, withdrawal or transfer from UNCSA);
  • Enroll in the necessary number of credit hours;
  • Maintain satisfactory academic progress;
  • Honor the policies and procedures set forth in the UNCSA High School Student Bulletin and High School Handbook;
  • Request any information you feel is necessary.

Student Rights

Students have the right to:

  • Obtain information about the student aid programs available at UNCSA;
  • Apply and be considered for assistance;
  • Request an explanation of any phase of the financial aid process;
  • Request special consideration if your family’s financial circumstances change significantly (Students/families must take the initiative to notify the Office of Student Financial Aid of these changes);
  • Request an appointment with the Director of Student Financial Aid concerning financing your education;
  • Request information concerning academic programs, costs and refunds, physical facilities, student retention, etc.