Bachelor of Fine Arts – Ballet Concentration

Undergraduate Bulletin

Bachelor of Fine Arts – Ballet Concentration


BFA Degree Total 120 credits
Dance Course Total 90 credits
General Education Course Total1 30 credits

Academic courses are in a suggested order, but can be redistributed over the four years, provided each semester has a minimum 12 credits and does not exceed 18 credits

Remaining General Education Requirements listed below. See Division of Liberal Arts Bulletin for complete details.
3 credits Natural Science/Mathematics (MAT or SCI class)
3 credits Literature/Writing (LIT or WRI course at 2000 or 3000 level)
3 credits Social/Behavioral Science (HIS, PSY, or SOC class)
3 credits Humanities/Fine Arts (ARH, ARM, HUM, and THH classes as well as available Arts classes outside of the student’s Major)
6 credits Liberal Arts Electives (ARM, COM, FRE, GER, HIS, HUM, ITA, LIT, MAT, MST, PHI, PSY, SCI, SOC, THH, WRI, or available Arts classes outside of the student’s major)

The School of Dance strongly recommends that students take SCI 1110: Nutrition and SCI 1800 Anatomy of Human Movement within their first two years.

DAN 4772 Performance Skills,
DAN 4662 Costuming for Dance,
DAN 4612 Current Trends, or
DAN 4089 Internship
Internships may be taken by permission of the Dean in consultation with the Faculty, only.