Art Restart Podcast: JP Reuer

A man with glasses, salt and pepper hair, and a beard, posing for the camera, holding his chin in his hand. For the last two decades, architect and educator JP Reuer has been exploring how artists can become vital, integrated members of their communities rather than isolated figures working on the fringes of society.

That ethos now fuels his most ambitious project to date: Small School, a Raleigh-based arts organization that reimagines advanced arts education as more accessible, collaborative, and deeply embedded in local culture.

In this episode of the Art Restart podcast, JP traces his journey from academia to founding Small School, sharing what he’s learned about the evolving role of artists in society. He discusses the power of bringing artists out of ivory towers and into the heart of their communities and why rethinking arts education is essential to supporting a more dynamic creative landscape.
The Art Restart podcast is hosted by Pier Carlo Talenti and is produced by the Thomas S. Kenan Institute for the Arts.

Contact: The Kenan Institute

March 12, 2024