Reminder: Budget Information Session on March 27

A piece of paper with a pie chart, a pair of glasses, and other papers strewn on a table.The third annual Budget Information Session is planned for Thursday, March 27, from noon to 1 p.m. via Microsoft Teams. The Teams link will be sent by email the day prior.

Anyone in the campus community who would like to learn more about the budgeting process at UNCSA is invited to attend. Chancellor Brian Cole and Vice Chancellor for Finance and Administration Wendy Emerson will host the session.

The agenda will include:

  • Review of the university’s current budget.
  • Review of what’s on the horizon for the university’s future budget.
  • Discussion on how our budget is supporting our “UNCSA Forward” Strategic Plan.
  • An opportunity to ask questions regarding the budget. 
The goal with these budget sessions is to foster a common understanding of our institution's resources and how they are used.

Contact: Krista Hopkinsns in new t

March 7, 2025