UNC System 403(b) Plan universal availability notice for 2025
All employees, other than UNC Health Care System employees, who receive compensation reportable on a Form W-2 and pay FICA (Social Security) tax are eligible to participate in the 403(b) Plan, so long as the employee elects to contribute at least $200 each calendar year.
The 403(b) Plan is designed to help you invest more money today so that you have the
income you need in your retirement years. It supplements the Optional Retirement Program
of the University of North Carolina and the N.C. Teachers’ and State Employees’ Retirement
System, the State's mandatory retirement plans available to permanent employees working
30 or more hours per week. Even employees not eligible for one of the mandatory retirement
plans may be able to make voluntary contributions to the 403(b) Plan.
For more information, contact Lauretta Baldwin in Human Resources at 336-770-1451 or baldwinl@uncsa.edu or visit the UNC 403(b) website.