Two 2024 short films to screen at Charlotte Film Festival
The 2024 animated short film "Playing Around" and narrative short "Clocked Out" are screening at the Charlotte Film Festival Sept. 24-27.
The Charlotte Film Festival strives to bring the most innovative independent cinema
to Charlotte, NC for festival patrons and film enthusiasts from neighboring states.
While the festival has evolved, it remains consistent to its mission to “Discover
Different” and to provide the highest quality festival experience for filmmakers and
audience members.
About 'Playing Around'
"Playing Around" was written, directed and animated by Mia Albanese, produced by Dimitri
Dyo, and edited by Gavin H. Smith, with sound designed by Jaedon Harpe and Gavin Smith,
music by Erwick D’Souza, and animation by Kayla Luther, Teresa Pham, Cloey Davis,
Nigel Williams and Kyle Labaziewicz.
"Playing Around" screens Saturday, Sept. 28, at 11 a.m. in the animated shorts block
at the Independent Picture House at 4237 Raleigh St in Charlotte.
About 'Clocked Out'
"Clocked Out" was written by Jacob Israel and Ezra Toney, directed by Marco Greco,
produced by Jacqueline Smith and Sofia Alvarez-Cabrera, and edited by Drake Hair,
with cinematography by Grant Kaufman, production design by Jonah Williams, hair &
makeup design by Mara Trefzger, costume design by Inga Domenick, and music by Daniel
G. Stocker and Yongjoon Kim.
"Clocked Out" screens Saturday, Sept. 28 at 1:30 p.m. in the “Teachers Pet" (Student
Shorts 1) block at the Independent Picture House, located at 4237 Raleigh St in Charlotte.