CAPTRUST Financial Advisor one-on-ones
CAPTRUST Financial Advisors, the independent advisory firm that works on the UNC Retirement Programs, will be available for phone consultations on Sept. 16, 23, 24 and 26.
Video/screen-sharing capabilities are also available at the time of your appointment
for added convenience.
These one-on-one sessions are offered solely as a benefit; be assured that CAPTRUST's
role is not to sell you anything but to help you make sound investment decisions.
Topics covered in the forty-five-minute individual advisory sessions include, but
are not limited to, the following:
- Retirement and general financial planning
- Investment education and advice
As part of the advisory session, you will have the unique opportunity to create a
Retirement Blueprint using CAPTRUST’s interactive retirement readiness tool. This
tool is designed to help you plan your retirement effectively.