Strategic Communications processes
The Division of Strategic Communications is here to help tell the story of UNCSA and its people through a variety of innovative
platforms and methods.
Our department offers resources and tools for submitting story and news suggestions, to update information on the UNCSA website, for creating campus announcements, and more. Below is a list of resources and contact information that can help us help you!
- Web Updates
- Campus Announcements
- Faculty and Staff Profiles
- Story Ideas
- Performance Listings
- Media Inquiries
Web Updates
Need to update information on a page on our website relating to your area? Web updates can be submitted at any time by faculty or staff for Strategic Communications to review and post. Updates may be edited for clarity and consistency with our website’s style. Note: Please allow 48-72 business hours for web updates to be published.
For questions regarding web updates, contact Melissa Upton-Julio at
If your requested website changes are substantial, i.e. creating a brand new page or site section, please contact Director of Digital Media Natalie Shrader at to schedule a meeting to begin the process and discuss a timeline.
Campus Announcements
UNCSA Campus (formerly known as MySA) is the central location for campus news and information for faculty, staff and students. Announcements to appear on UNCSA Campus can be submitted at any time, and will be edited for clarity and consistency with style guidelines as well as evaluated for relevance before posting. If you are submitting artwork, please follow the guidelines at the end of the form. Note: Please allow 48-72 business hours for announcements to be published.
All published campus announcements will automatically be included in the following morning's UNCSA Campus Morning Update email. All relevant announcements will also be included in the UNCSA Campus Weekly Update email sent each Monday, pending available space.
For questions regarding announcements, contact Digital Content Producer Sasha Hartzell at
Faculty/Staff Profiles
Faculty/staff profile updates or new faculty/staff profiles can be requested using the Faculty Profile Information form. Please note: All new faculty/staff profile requests must have the approval of the department head.
For questions regarding faculty/staff profiles, contact Digital Content Producer Sasha Hartzell at
Story Ideas
Strategic Communications develops original web, social media and video content telling the stories of our students, alumni, faculty and staff with a goal of enhancing UNCSA’s image as a world-class arts conservatory and recruiting talented prospective students.
Know alumni with unique stories or exciting career developments? Want to tell the world about an innovative classroom project or collaboration? Please share your ideas using the form below.
All submissions will be reviewed by the Digital Media team and the appropriate storytelling platform will be considered. Potential platforms include website features and profile stories, video, audio stories, photography and social media posts. Note: For newsworthy items that have a timely connection, please contact Media Relations Manager Pree Nayak at to be considered for a press release.
Performance Listings
Faculty can add a new, public event to the calendar for the current performance season (August - May) using the form below and it will be added as an event page in the performance section of our website (subject to review). Please note that this only applies to events that are open to the public. Campus-only and student-led events can be submitted as an announcement on UNCSA Campus. Information provided may be edited for clarity and consistency with our website’s style.
Updates/changes to existing performance event pages can be submitted at any time by faculty or staff. Updates may be edited for clarity and consistency with our website’s style.
If you have any questions about the performance calendar, please contact Interim CRM Manager and Marketing Specialist Izzie Filben at
Media Inquiries and Press Releases
Strategic Communications is here to help you navigate contact with the news media. Please forward any media inquiries to Media Relations Manager Pree Nayak at or Interim Vice Chancellor for Strategic Communications Katherine Johnson at
For newsworthy items that have a timely connection, please contact Media Relations Manager Pree Nayak at to be considered for a press release.
Resources for news media can be found in the Newsroom.
Please visit the Strategic Communications webpage for additional resources and contact information.
Contact: Sasha Hartzellns in new t
Feb. 7, 2024