College Student Handbook

Brian Cole 

Patrick Sims

Laurel Donley
Vice Provost of Student Affairs


The College Student Handbook is one of several publications students are responsible for reading. The UNCSA Bulletin and supplemental art school and academic program handbooks or handouts also include student policies and expectations. In the event of a conflict between this handbook and the actual policy or procedure, the actual policy or procedure controls.



Welcome from the Vice Provost of Student Affairs


Dear UNCSA College Students,

The College Student Handbook is the guide to your resources, rights, and responsibilities as a student citizen artist at the University of North Carolina School of the Arts (UNCSA). The Student Code of Conduct found within the handbook lays out the expectations for being a member of the UNCSA community. Please read the handbook carefully and if you have any questions about a service, a policy, or a rule, please ask a Student Affairs staff member for clarification. You are responsible for understanding the community standards as set forth by your fellow students, staff, and faculty. The Undergraduate and Graduate Bulletin along with the University Policy Manual are equally important sources of University policies, expectations, and deadlines, especially those related to your academics and the requirements of your particular Arts School. I recommend that you become familiar with each of these information sources.

The Division of Student Affairs stands alongside Academic Affairs to help create and foster a strong living-learning environment. We are committed to your learning and want to help you get the most out of your college experience. We challenge you to become an actively engaged community member, taking advantage of the resources that are available to assist, support, and challenge you.

We challenge you to broaden continually your artistic experiences, venturing across campus to experience the work of the other four arts disciplines and by attending local and regional art offerings. We encourage you to become a student leader, representing and supporting your fellow students by being a mentor, a Resident Assistant, or possibly a Student Government representative. Engage with the campus community and we promise you a more fulfilling and rewarding college experience.


Laurel Donley

Vice Provost of Student Affairs