Faculty Enrichment Grants

The Thomas S. Kenan Institute for the Arts provides Faculty Enrichment Grants to supplement student learning outcomes in the UNCSA classroom, studio or lab. Grant funds may be used to augment student learning by subsidizing ticket and transportation costs to attend regional performances, exhibits and screenings in the state of North Carolina.

Funds may also be used to pay an honorarium to virtual or in-class speakers. These grants are awarded on a first-come, first-served basis, and may only be applied to honoraria, tickets, and transportation costs.

NOTE: Same-day travel to neighboring states will be considered on a case-by-case basis; however, overnight travel is not supported by Faculty Enrichment Grants.

Grant Period

Rolling Deadline; Applications reviewed upon submission. To receive advance funding, applications must be submitted at least two weeks prior to the event (otherwise, faculty can be reimbursed for expenses). It is recommended that faculty DO NOT make purchases prior to applying since funding is not guaranteed until the application is approved.


Full-time Faculty are eligible to apply for Faculty Enrichment Grants; Adjunct/Visiting Faculty must be employed by UNCSA when submitting a grant proposal. Adjunct/Visiting Faculty are not eligible to apply for either grant if the proposed project does not occur during a period of employment.

Faculty Enrichment Grant Selection Criteria

  • Evidence of commitment, ability, and a clear plan to support student learning outcomes in your classroom, studio or lab.
  • Clear examples of how students will be asked to prepare for and respond to attending this event.
  • Appropriateness of the proposed budget and activities, including travel (if requested);
  • Alignment with and potential to advance the UNCSA Forward Strategic Plan.

Please note that Faculty Enrichment Grant funds cannot be used to pay for

  • operational expenses of UNCSA or other institutions and partners
  • expenses that are normally funded through state or federal appropriations
  • Scholarship (tuition) support for students
  • Personal expenses

Enrichment Grant Application Process

  1. Discuss your idea with your Dean. Deans must approve off-campus travel for students, and you will be asked to provide documentation of approval from your Dean.
  2. Prepare and submit online application and budget. 
  3. Upload a file containing names of all students/faculty requesting tickets for the event.
  4. Enrichment grants will be reviewed and approved by the staff of the Kenan Institute.
  5. Applicants will be notified regarding Enrichment Grants within 5 business days of submission and funding is generally available within 14 days of notification.

Additional Information


  • A final report will be required no later than 30 days following the completion of the activities. A narrative and financial report form will be provided by the Thomas S. Kenan Institute for the Arts.
  • Reporting requirements include submitting written student responses to attending the performance or engaging a guest artist or speaker, along with photos if possible. The grantee will be responsible for collecting the student responses.

Disbursement of Funds

  • The distribution of funds is contingent upon signing a letter of agreement with the Thomas S. Kenan Institute for the Arts. Grant payments will be distributed to the applying Faculty member to purchase tickets. Original receipts must be provided for all expenditures; unspent funds and transactions without receipts must be refunded to the Thomas S. Kenan Institute for the Arts.

Frequently Asked Questions

When are applications accepted? 

Applications are accepted throughout the year, on a rolling basis. Applications are closed once all funds have been distributed.

What expenses does the grant cover? 

The Institute will fund events/opportunities that augment student learning. Examples might include:
  • Honorariums for virtual or in-person guest speakers
  • Costs related to performances, workshops, and experiential learning opportunities for students
  • Virtual conferences or masterclasses for students

Some local off-campus travel may be considered on a case-by-case basis.

What if my event is less than two weeks away? 

You may still apply for funding, but will have to pay for the cost of the event up front. If approved, you will be reimbursed within 2-3 weeks.

Can I arrange transportation through UNCSA and have them bill the Kenan Institute?

Off-campus travel will be considered on a case-by-case basis. Please contact the Kenan Institute at kenanarts@uncsa.edu to discuss travel options.

If I go over budget, may I request more money?

No. The Institute suggests that you over-budget rather than run the risk of falling short. 

What if I do not use all of the funding?

The unspent funds must be returned to the Institute. If you do not spend the entirety of the award, please contact the Kenan Institute at kenanarts@uncsa.edu.

How many times can I apply?

To ensure that as many faculty and students receive support, please limit your requests to one event per year.

Do you require a match for this grant? 

No matching funds are necessary.

Who reviews the application?

Enrichment grants will be reviewed and approved by the Kenan Institute's executive staff and may be returned for further edits.

When will I receive reimbursement? 

After completing the reimbursement process, payment should take 2-3 weeks.  


For more information, please contact the Kenan Institute at kenanarts@uncsa.edu or 336-770-1432.

Enrichment Grant Application