Visual Arts graduating seniors work for four weeks on an independent thesis that they develop and execute. Students have worked in a range of mediums and various topics. Thesis serves as the culminating work of students that have attended the Visual Arts program for the past two years. See their work below.

Elena Cole work
Elena Cole

"Conduits de Larmes Sèches" (Dry Tear Ducts)

Alannah Couch work
Alannah Couch
"quiet meadow"
Sophie Dickerson work
Sophie Dickerson
"Eleventh House"
Olivia Frederiksen work
Olivia Frederiksen
Sarah Gerics work
Sarah Gerics

"Dormant Season"

Audrey Graham work
Audrey Graham
"Power in Perception"
Kaylie Griffin work
Kaylie Griffin

"If Only You Knew,, All The Things I NVR Said."

Charlie Herron work
Charlie Herron
"Knowing Me, Knowing You"
Arbor Krehnbrink work
Arbor Krehnbrink
"This zine is about trigger warnings"
Lorelei Lin work
Lorelei Lin
Mace Marley work
Mace Marley
Xia Raburn work
Xia Raburn
J.J. Sloan work
J.J. Sloan
"The Domestic Pig"
Hami Trinh work
Hami Trinh
"Welcome Home"
Ila Waller work
Ila Waller
"The Band-Aid Solution"
Elizabeth Zaytseva work
Elizabeth Zaytseva