Communication Updates

UNCSA Campus

Communication Updates

Read the university-related messaging regarding the COVID-19 pandemic and responses to the impact on UNCSA's students, parents, faculty and staff.

2022 Summer Updates to COVID-19 Response

April 2022

COVID-19 surge necessitates weekend cancellations (April 28)

Dear Campus Community,

Because of the exponential increase of COVID-19 cases in North Carolina, Forsyth County and at UNCSA, and concern for the safety of our community, we have made the difficult decision to cancel several events this weekend. We have made this decision in part to do everything possible to preserve an in-person commencement experience for our graduating students.

The university currently has 39 active student cases, up 90% from 4 just five days ago. There are also 77 students in quarantine due to known exposures. We also have 2 active faculty cases and 1 active staff case. StarMed surveillance tested 117 individuals (92 students, 21 staff and 4 faculty) on Tuesday, and there were 5 positive students.

In consultation with the deans and other university leaders, canceled events include:

  • Design & Production Senior Portfolio Review
  • Fletcher Opera Gala Concert
  • NextNow fundraiser
  • Kenan Scholarship Luncheon
  • Beaux Arts event at the Ramkat
  • Pancake Breakfast
  • m3 Spree Dance
  • Drama Fight Night

Please note that there may be additional events that will be canceled or have to move online. Regarding the Beaux Arts celebration, we are still planning to have the picnic on campus. Student Affairs will be sending more information to students regarding that event.

We have made it through surges before by scaling back activities and masking up. While we are not mandating masking indoors, we are strongly encouraging it. Masking has been proven to prevent the spread of COVID-19.

We also urge you to continue following our Community Health Standards and remember to wash your hands frequently and use hand sanitizer.

Please note that our Dashboard is now updated only on Wednesdays to align with statewide and UNC System reporting schedules. We are still collecting data daily.

I appreciate your commitment to keeping your friends and colleagues safe and doing your part to help our graduating students have their well-deserved recognition ceremonies. We are in the home stretch, and we will get through this challenge and finish out our academic year together.


Brian Cole 

Increase in COVID-19 cases (April 15)

COVID-19 cases are increasing in North Carolina, and also at UNCSA. The university currently has 14 active student cases and 4 active faculty cases.

We urge you to continue following our Community Health Standards and take extra precautions by wearing a mask when appropriate: when traveling off campus; in small, crowded spaces; and in large gatherings. Also, remember to wash your hands frequently and use hand sanitizer.      
While the vast majority of our students (95%) and employees (93%) are vaccinated, we strongly encourage those who are not to get vaccinated and boosted. Vaccines and booster shots are proven to keep people out of the hospital and prevent death due to COVID-19.

Health experts are reporting that Omicron variant BA.2 is the dominant strain now and is more contagious; however, in most cases, the illness is less severe as indicated by hospitalizations trending down. 

Currently, 6 students are on-campus in isolation/quarantine (positive, pending test results, or close contacts) and 16 students are off-campus in isolation/quarantine (positive, pending test results, or close contacts at home or off-campus place of residence).

Symptomatic positivity in Student Health Services for the week of April 4-10 was 13% (23 tests and 3 positives).

In our surveillance testing this week, StarMed tested 97 individuals (76 students, 18 staff, 3 faculty). All results are in and there were no positives.

Please note that our Dashboard is now updated only on Wednesdays to align with statewide and UNC System reporting schedules. We are still collecting data daily.

Dashboard reporting moves from daily to weekly (April 8)

Next week, UNCSA will transition from daily COVID-19 dashboard updates to weekly dashboard updates to align with statewide and UNC System reporting schedules. You will be able to view the UNCSA dashboard updates on Wednesdays beginning April 13.

Reporting weekly instead of daily is the only change to UNCSA COVID-19 safety protocols. Data will still be collected daily. Other protocols, such as testing, isolation and quarantine, will remain the same.

The N.C. Department of Health and Human Services (NCDHHS) COVID-19 dashboard summary page began updating weekly on Wednesdays on April 6, which was the last day of its daily dashboard updates. Data will continue to be broken out by day on the department’s Data Behind the Dashboards page on its next weekly update.

The NCDHHS said it took the step “as North Carolina moves into the next phase of the pandemic.” The new state dashboard reflects metrics such as vaccine/booster rates, prevalence of variants, and community spread levels, among others.

To be reminded of our current protocols, please see our Community Health Standards.


February 2022

New UNC System guidance on COVID-19 protocols (Feb. 28)

UNCSA is making changes to some of its COVID-19 protocols based on new guidance received from the UNC System. Please read the following updates:


In response to new state guidance on face coverings, the UNC System is asking all UNC campuses to lift the indoor mask mandate by Monday, March 7. At UNCSA, wearing masks will become optional for all faculty, staff, students and patrons on Monday, March 7. The mask requirement will continue in all health care settings, including Counseling and Health Services, as well as on any public transportation including campus buses. Any individual who wishes to continue to wear a face covering is encouraged to do so, especially those who are unvaccinated or at higher risk of serious illness from COVID-19.

The CDC issued updated recommendations on Friday easing mask guidelines. Governor Cooper also announced that he is encouraging schools and local governments to end their mask mandates. Mayor Allen Joines has announced he will lift the mask mandate in Winston-Salem on Tuesday, March 1. 


We will not offer surveillance testing on Tuesday, March 8, which falls during spring break. The requirement for that week will be waived for unvaccinated students, faculty and staff. Surveillance testing will resume on Tuesday, March 15.


The protocol around positive COVID-19 cases with regards to quarantine and isolation remains in place. You can remind yourself of those procedures on our COVID-19 webpage. We are still requiring that you willingly report positive cases as part of our Community Health Standards.


We encourage everyone to voluntarily upload confirmation of receiving a booster shot. Having this information readily available will assist our health officials or contact tracers in determining your quarantine protocol if needed. 


Weekly Update (Feb. 17)

UNCSA is dedicated to doing its part to limit the spread of COVID-19 and the highly transmissible Omicron variant. 


We encourage everyone to voluntarily upload confirmation of receiving a booster shot. Having this information readily available will assist our health officials or contact tracers in determining your quarantine protocol if needed. 


Weekly Update (Feb. 10)

UNCSA is dedicated to doing its part to limit the spread of COVID-19 and the highly transmissible Omicron variant. Please read the following updates:


We encourage everyone to voluntarily upload confirmation of receiving a booster shot. Having this information readily available will assist our health officials or contact tracers in determining your quarantine protocol if needed.



Students are required to immediately notify Student Health Services, and faculty and staff are required to immediately notify your supervisor, when you have COVID-19 symptoms, when you test positive, and when you have been in close contact with someone who has tested positive for COVID-19. Remember to stay home if you are sick and exhibiting symptoms of any kind.



Everyone who has been identified as a known exposure, regardless of vaccination status, will need to wear a well-fitted mask for 10 full days whenever you are around others inside your home or in public without exception.


Weekly Update (Feb. 3)

UNCSA is dedicated to doing its part to limit the spread of COVID-19 and the highly transmissible Omicron variant. Please read the following updates:


We encourage everyone to voluntarily upload confirmation of receiving a booster shot. Having this information readily available will assist our health officials or contact tracers in determining your quarantine protocol if needed.



Students are required to immediately notify Student Health Services, and faculty and staff are required to immediately notify your supervisor, when you have COVID-19 symptoms, when you test positive, and when you have been in close contact with someone who has tested positive for COVID-19. Remember to stay home if you are sick and exhibiting symptoms of any kind.



Everyone who has been identified as a known exposure, regardless of vaccination status, will need to wear a well-fitted mask for 10 full days whenever you are around others inside your home or in public without exception.



January 2022

Weekly Update: New COVID-19 testing sites open (Jan. 27)

UNCSA remains dedicated to doing its part to limit the spread of COVID-19 and the highly transmissible Omicron variant. Please read the following updates:

Upload your booster shot record
We encourage everyone to voluntarily upload confirmation of receiving a booster shot. Students and employees can upload your booster information via the same form you used to report your vaccination. Booster status affects your quarantine protocol; please see below for updated guidance.


Remember to report immediately
Students are required to immediately notify Student Health Services, and faculty and staff are required to immediately notify your supervisor, when you have COVID-19 symptoms, when you test positive, and when you have been in close contact with someone who has tested positive for COVID-19. Notification should be made even if it’s the weekend. Remember to stay home if you are sick and exhibiting symptoms of any kind.

New testing sites open
If you have COVID-19 symptoms, get tested. New COVID-19 testing sites have opened in Winston-Salem. Please see our testing webpage for more information.

Asymptomatic surveillance testing is held every Tuesday from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. in Eisenberg Social Hall. It is required for unvaccinated individuals and is also open to others if capacity allows. Those who missed the Jan. 14 reentry testing deadline are required to complete asymptomatic surveillance testing by Feb. 1. 


New isolation and quarantine guidance
We updated our isolation and quarantine guidance in conjunction with the CDC. In summary:

  • If you have tested positive for COVID-19, you should isolate: Stay home for at least 5 days, regardless of vaccination status.
  • If you have symptoms of COVID-19, you should stay home; do not go to class or work; and get tested.
  • If you have had a known exposure to someone diagnosed with COVID-19 and are unvaccinated you should quarantine at home for at least 5 days.
  • If you have had a known exposure to someone diagnosed with COVID-19 and have not received a booster dose at least 5 months after completing your primary COVID-19 vaccination series of Pfizer or Moderna, or at least 2 months after receiving J&J, you should quarantine at home for at least 5 days.
  • If you had a known exposure to someone diagnosed with COVID-19 and are up-to-date on your vaccinations and booster, you do not need to quarantine unless you develop symptoms.
  • If you had a known exposure to someone diagnosed with COVID-19 and had a previously confirmed case (meaning you tested positive with a viral test) within the last 90 days, you do not need to quarantine unless you develop symptoms.

Thank you for your continued vigilance in following our Community Health Standards to protect everyone in our campus community. If you have questions, please visit the FAQ page. We will continue to add to this list as new questions arise. 

New COVID-19 information (Jan. 20)

UNCSA continues to work hard to protect the campus community against the challenges of COVID-19 and the highly transmissible Omicron variant. Please read the following updates:

Weekly surveillance testing
Those who missed the Jan. 14 reentry testing deadline are required to complete asymptomatic surveillance testing. Since testing was canceled this week, those individuals will be automatically enrolled in the testing pool for either Jan. 25 or Feb. 1. On Jan. 25, the surveillance testing is from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. in Eisenberg Social Hall in Hanes Student Commons. 

Asymptomatic surveillance testing is required for unvaccinated individuals and is also open to others if capacity allows. Everyone who is required to be or who wishes to be tested must register in advance for their testing time slot.

Sign up for asymptomatic surveillance testing

Updated isolation and quarantine guidance
We updated our isolation and quarantine guidance to coincide with the latest CDC protocols. The guidance now states that individuals with a confirmed case of COVID-19 in the past 90 days do not need to quarantine unless they are symptomatic.

Free at-home rapid tests
Individuals may now get at-home rapid antigen tests for free with insurance. Antigen tests are only appropriate for symptomatic testing. You can purchase in-store for free by showing your health insurance card or order online and apply for reimbursement. Additionally, employees and nonresidential students may order 4 tests directly from the federal government via USPS without any out-of-pocket expenses. Note: USPS currently allows only one order per household address.

COVID-19 leave for employees
Employees with questions about COVID-19 leave should contact the Human Resources office. The UNC System hopes to convey a decision about COVID-19 leave soon to constituent schools.

If you have additional questions, please visit the FAQ page. We will continue to add to this list as new questions arise. Thank you for your continued vigilance in following our Community Health Standards to protect everyone in our campus community.

Weekly Update: Planning for the second week of classes (Jan. 14)

As a campus and community, we continue to face challenges regarding the COVID-19 pandemic and the new and highly transmissible Omicron variant. Today we finish the first week of our spring semester, and we are grateful for the hard work that so many are doing to confront those challenges, protect our people and do everything we can to fulfill our mission each day. Despite the adjustments that we have had to make, we hope that you have had a productive week and are enjoying being back with colleagues and friends. 

As with other institutions, we have seen our positive case counts rise significantly in the past week. Still, we remain confident that we can continue to provide a safe environment and work through these challenges. To help with the many questions people have, we have created a revised FAQ page and will continue to add to this list as new questions arise. 

One of the most frustrating aspects of this surge has been the difficulty and delays experienced with COVID-19 testing around the state and country. As with many other institutions in our state, our original plans and timeline for the spring testing requirement were affected. We have been doing our best to balance helping people complete this requirement and keeping our operations running as smoothly and safely as possible under the circumstances. Remember that today, Friday, Jan. 14 is our extended deadline to submit test results. After that deadline, anyone who has not submitted their results will automatically be enrolled in our required weekly surveillance testing pool for the next two weeks

We continue to monitor the situation with UNC System, local and state officials, and as we go into the second week of the semester, we are planning for the following: 

  • Working with their faculty, deans will continue to have the flexibility to make instructional adjustments based on curriculum needs, safety and resources. We will evaluate the situation at the end of next week to determine if those measures will be extended further.
  • The indoor mask mandate continues. If approved by their deans, faculty and students may remove masks for pedagogical reasons starting on Jan. 18. Until then please remain masked at all times while indoors.
  • The Dining Hall will continue operating at a reduced density of occupants and working to increase grab-and-go options as much as possible.
  • Students living in campus residence halls and apartments will not be permitted to have visitors in their rooms until further notice.

Thank you for your continued vigilance in following our Community Health Standards to protect everyone in our campus community. Our campus has shown remarkable resilience over the past two years in our ability to mitigate the threat of COVID-19, and with everyone’s help, we will continue to do so. 

Testing deadline extended (Jan. 10)

Due to continued delays with COVID-19 testing and results, the deadline to submit a negative COVID-19 test is extended to Friday, Jan. 14, 2022. Everyone must test and submit results regardless of vaccination status. Only PCR tests will be accepted and they must be taken within 7 days of submission.


Exceptions will be decided on a case-by-case basis after the new deadline for those who have made efforts to be tested. Students should contact Student Health Services at if you need additional time. Employees should work with your supervisor or manager if you need additional time.

If you are a student and tested positive over the winter break, you will need to complete the student reporting form and also upload a copy of a positive PCR test result under “Supporting Documentation.” Those students who tested positive for COVID-19 in the last 10 days must be cleared by UNCSA before returning. 

If you are an employee and tested positive over the winter holiday, you will need to contact Emergency Management Coordinator Clarisse Davis via email,, or complete the faculty/staff self-reporting form to find out when you are cleared to return.

In North Carolina, you can visit the N.C. Department of Health and Human Services Test Site Finder for help finding a testing site. Outside of North Carolina, you can visit the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services for community-based testing sites.

Remember to stay vigilant. Follow our Community Health Standards, wear a mask and wash your hands often to limit the spread of COVID-19 on our campus.

Testing deadline extended to Jan. 10 (Jan. 4)

Please read this entire email carefully as there is important new information below.
Because of the high volume of COVID-19 testing requested in our local area, North Carolina and across the country, UNCSA is extending the test reporting deadline from Friday, Jan. 7, to the end of the day Monday, Jan. 10. 

All students and employees are required to test regardless of vaccination status. Only PCR tests will be accepted and they must be taken within 7 days of submission. Rapid antigen tests — the test used most often in home test kits — are not as sensitive and therefore are not acceptable.

Both students and employees can report to campus before submitting their negative test, but should adhere closely to our Community Health Standards, including masking. Those who have not submitted a test by the end of the day Monday, Jan. 10, will lose One Card access until their test is submitted unless they have made other arrangements. 

Exceptions will be decided on a case-by-case basis after the Jan. 10 deadline for those who have made efforts to be tested. Students should contact Student Health Services at if you need additional time. Employees should work with your supervisor or manager if you need additional time.

Please use the same links that were provided prior to the new year to report your negative test results.



If you are a student and tested positive over the winter break, you will need to complete the student reporting form and also upload a copy of a positive PCR test result under “Supporting Documentation.” Those students who tested positive for COVID-19 in the last 10 days must be cleared by UNCSA before returning. 

If you are an employee and tested positive over the winter holiday, you will need to contact Emergency Management Coordinator Clarisse Davis via email,, or complete the faculty/staff self-reporting form to find out when you are cleared to return.

In North Carolina, you can visit the N.C. Department of Health and Human Services Test Site Finder for help finding a testing site. Outside of North Carolina, you can visit the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services for community-based testing sites.

StarMed will resume asymptomatic surveillance testing for the spring semester on Tuesday, Jan. 11, 2022, from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. in Eisenberg Social Hall in Hanes Student Commons. In addition to being required for unvaccinated individuals, surveillance testing is open to anyone else who wishes to sign up. 

At this time, UNCSA is not considering delaying the start of the spring semester or instituting campuswide remote learning.

Vaccinations and Boosters
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) says that vaccines remain the best public health measure to protect people from COVID-19, slow transmission, and reduce the likelihood of new variants from emerging. The CDC recommends that everyone 5 years and older protect themselves by getting fully vaccinated. We are grateful that the majority of UNCSA students and employees are fully vaccinated (94% and 93%, respectively). However, breakthrough infections in people who are fully vaccinated can occur. With variants like Delta and Omicron, vaccines have remained effective at preventing severe illness, hospitalization and death.

Please note that the CDC is recommending that everyone ages 18 years and older should get a booster shot at least two months after their initial J&J/Janssen vaccine or six months after completing their primary COVID-19 vaccination series of Pfizer-BioNTech or Moderna. The CDC also now recommends booster shots at 5 months after the completion of the primary series of Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine for those ages 16 and older. The recent emergence of highly contagious Omicron emphasizes the importance of vaccinations and boosters.


December 2021

Negative COVID-19 test required for spring semester (Dec. 16)

Because of the resurgence of the Delta variant and the emergence of Omicron, UNCSA will require all students, faculty and staff to submit a negative COVID-19 test before returning to campus at the beginning of the spring semester, regardless of vaccination status.

UNCSA will also continue to require masks indoors and follow the current Community Health Standards during the spring semester.

Everyone is required to submit their negative test results before coming to campus. Only PCR tests will be accepted and they must be taken within 3 days of your return to campus. Those who have not submitted a test by Friday, Jan. 7, 2022, will lose One Card access until their test is submitted. 

In North Carolina, you can visit the N.C. Department of Health and Human Services Test Site Finder for help finding a testing site. Outside of North Carolina, you can visit the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services for community-based testing sites.



Winter break for students begins when college and high school residence halls close at noon Saturday, Dec.18. College students who are moving into the new Artist Village may begin arriving for the spring semester as early as Monday, Jan. 3, 2022. High school residence halls will open as usual at noon Sunday, Jan. 9. Spring semester classes begin Monday, Jan. 10.

Employees follow the university’s schedule for the winter holiday, which is Dec. 24 and 27-31. The New Year’s Day holiday will be observed Monday, Jan. 3, 2022.

Students, faculty and staff are advised to take the same COVID-19 precautions you are taking on campus to keep you safe if you travel off campus during the winter break. This includes:

  • Wear a mask indoors.
  • Wash your hands and use hand sanitizer.
  • Stay home when you are sick.
  • Report exposure and positive cases.

If you are planning to travel over the winter break/winter holiday, please see the current CDC recommendations for domestic  and international  travel.

During the break/holiday, please be aware of your surroundings and your health. If you travel domestically, you may be traveling to an area of substantial or high transmission. The CDC says you should not travel internationally until you are fully vaccinated. You should also watch for symptoms of COVID-19 and take appropriate steps (see: If You Are Sick on that page).

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) says that vaccines remain the best public health measure to protect people from COVID-19, slow transmission, and reduce the likelihood of new variants from emerging. The CDC recommends that everyone 5 years and older protect themselves by getting fully vaccinated. We are grateful that the majority of UNCSA students and employees are fully vaccinated (94% and 92%, respectively). However, breakthrough infections in people who are fully vaccinated can occur. With variants like Delta, vaccines have remained effective at preventing severe illness, hospitalization and death.

Please note that the CDC is now recommending that everyone ages 18 years and older should get a booster shot at least two months after their initial J&J/Janssen vaccine or six months after completing their primary COVID-19 vaccination series of Pfizer-BioNTech or Moderna. The recent emergence of Omicron emphasizes the importance of vaccinations and boosters.

StarMed will resume surveillance testing after the winter break/winter holiday on Tuesday, Jan. 11, 2022, from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. in Eisenberg Social Hall in Hanes Student Commons. 


November 2021

Stay safe this Thanksgiving (Nov. 18)

Students, faculty and staff are advised to take the same COVID-19 precautions you are taking on campus to keep you safe if you travel off campus during the Thanksgiving holiday, which is Wednesday, Nov. 24-Sunday, Nov. 28, for students and Thursday and Friday, Nov. 25 and 26, for employees.

This includes:

  • Wear a mask indoors.
  • Wash your hands and use hand sanitizer.
  • Stay home when you are sick.
  • Report exposure and positive cases.

We are pleased to report that the majority of UNCSA students and employees are fully vaccinated (93 and 92%, respectively). The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) says to maximize protection from the Delta variant and prevent possibly spreading it to others, get vaccinated as soon as you can and wear a mask indoors in public if you are in an area of substantial or high transmission.

Because of the Thanksgiving holiday, there will be no on-campus surveillance testing next week on Tuesday, Nov. 23. Surveillance testing will resume after Thanksgiving on Tuesday, Nov. 30, and will continue on Dec. 7 and 14. (Surveillance testing is routinely scheduled for Tuesdays from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. in Eisenberg Social Hall in Hanes Student Commons.)

If you are away from campus and in an area of substantial or high transmission and have not worn a mask indoors, but are without COVID-19 symptoms, we suggest that you get tested when StarMed returns to conduct surveillance testing at UNCSA on Tuesday, Nov. 30.

If you have symptoms of COVID-19, or have had a known exposure to someone with a positive case of COVID-19 during the Thanksgiving holiday, you should get tested before coming back to campus to prevent any potential spread. In North Carolina, you can visit the N.C. Department of Health and Human Services Test Site Finder for help finding a testing site. Outside of North Carolina, you can visit the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services for community-based testing sites.

If you are planning to travel domestically or outside the U.S., please see our COVID-19 travel prohibitions and recommendations, which reflect current CDC recommendations.

COVID-19 Vaccine Booster Shots

COVID-19 vaccines are working well to prevent severe illness, hospitalization and death, even against the widely circulating Delta variant. However, public health experts are starting to see reduced protection, especially among certain populations, against mild and moderate disease. You can find more information on booster shots and eligibility on the CDC’s webpage.


October 2021

COVID-19 and fall break (Oct. 7)

Students, faculty and staff are advised to take the same COVID-19 precautions you are taking on campus to keep you safe if you travel off campus during fall break, Saturday, Oct. 9, through Tuesday, Oct. 12.

This includes:

  • Wear a mask indoors.
  • Wash your hands and use hand sanitizer.
  • Stay home when you are sick.
  • Report exposure and positive cases.

We are happy to report that the majority of UNCSA students and employees are fully vaccinated (93 and 92%, respectively). However, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) says that even if you are fully vaccinated, if you are in an area with substantial or high transmission of COVID-19 you will be better protected if you wear a mask when you are in indoor public places. It is particularly important that you protect yourself because that will protect others, also. 

Because of fall break, there will be no surveillance testing next week on Tuesday, Oct. 12. (Surveillance testing is routinely scheduled for Tuesdays from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. in Eisenberg Social Hall in Hanes Student Commons.)

If you are away from campus and in an area or at an event where social distancing is not possible, and are without COVID-19 symptoms, we suggest that you get tested when StarMed returns to conduct surveillance testing at UNCSA on Tuesday, Oct. 19

If you have symptoms of COVID-19, or have had a known exposure to someone with a positive case of COVID-19 while on fall break, you should get tested before coming back to campus to prevent any potential spread. 

In North Carolina, you can visit the N.C. Department of Health and Human Services Test Site Finder for help finding a testing site. Outside of North Carolina, you can visit the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services for community-based testing sites.

If you are planning to travel domestically or outside the U.S., please see our COVID-19 travel prohibitions and recommendations


September 2021

Reminder: Stay home when you are sick (Sept. 20)

Dear Campus Community,

Medical providers in Student Health Services are reporting that students are going to classes with upper respiratory symptoms and are not contacting Health Services until several days after symptoms have appeared. Please remember that it is one of our Community Health Standards to stay home when you are sick. If students are experiencing upper respiratory and/or other COVID-19 symptoms, do not attend class, rehearsal or other events, and seek attention from Health Services. Employees with symptoms should not report to work, should notify their supervisor, and seek attention from their medical provider.

There is a wide range of symptoms reported with COVID-19 including the following, according to the CDC:

  • Fever or chills
  • Cough
  • Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
  • Fatigue
  • Muscle or body aches
  • Headache
  • New loss of taste or smell
  • Sore throat
  • Congestion or runny nose
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Diarrhea

As the semester continues, it is important that we recommit to our Community Health Standards in order to protect our campus and be able to continue in-person training and events. The Community Health Standards are:

Get Vaccinated
We strongly encourage our campus community to get vaccinated. Vaccination continues to be the best way to prevent severe illness resulting from COVID-19. We are pleased to report that 92% of students and 92% of employees have submitted proof of vaccination, to date.

Students, faculty and staff who have not submitted proof of vaccination are required to complete surveillance testing weekly, which takes place every Tuesday from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. in Eisenberg Social Hall of the Hanes Student Commons, or submit a PCR test conducted by a community provider. Vaccinated individuals can participate in surveillance testing as capacity allows. Visit the testing webpage for more information. 

Wear a mask indoors
UNCSA is requiring all individuals to wear masks indoors regardless of their vaccination status. Some instructional activities, as approved by deans, will be permitted without masks.

Wash your hands
Everyone on campus must wash their hands frequently throughout the day (at least 20 seconds with soap and water) and use a hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol. Hand sanitizer dispensers are located throughout campus.

Stay home when you are sick
Students, faculty and staff should not come to campus if they are sick with any illness. 

Willingly report exposure and positive cases

  • Students are required to immediately notify Health Services if they have received a positive COVID-19 test or were in close contact with someone testing positive for COVID-19 so that contact tracing can begin.
  • Faculty and staff are required to immediately notify their supervisor of a positive COVID-19 test or if they were in close contact with someone testing positive for COVID-19.
  • Every member of the UNCSA community must participate in contact tracing. This is an essential process for protecting individuals who may have been exposed and protecting our campus from further spread.
  • Individuals with symptoms of COVID-19 should get tested and stay home and away from others per CDC guidance.

Visit the UNCSA COVID-19 Dashboard, updated daily Monday - Friday, for information about case status on campus. 

Thank you for doing your part to protect our community.


August 2021

New positive case protocol (Aug. 24)

Due to evolving information about the transmission of the delta variant of COVID-19, and following CDC guidance, UNCSA is making changes to its positive case protocols, effective immediately.
Any person, regardless of vaccination status, who has been identified as a close contact of an individual who has tested positive for COVID-19 will be required to be tested 3-5 days following the date of their exposure. Close contacts who have submitted proof of vaccination should also diminish contact with other people as much as possible, continue to mask in indoor settings, and distance where appropriate until negative test results are returned. Close contacts who have not submitted proof of vaccination are required to quarantine for 14 days. If test results are positive, isolation protocols will be implemented immediately. See the Safe Campus webpage for more information on those procedures.

Students, faculty and staff who have not submitted proof of vaccination are required to complete surveillance testing weekly, which begins today, Tuesday, Aug. 24, from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. in Eisenberg Social Hall of the Hanes Student Commons. Vaccinated individuals are also encouraged to sign up for testing. 


Surveillance testing will be held every Tuesday. Individuals required to test will be notified to schedule an appointment via UNCSA email. Visit the testing webpage for more information. If you choose not or are unable to be tested each Tuesday, you will need to have a PCR molecular test conducted by a community provider and submitted by the end of day on Friday each week.



Vaccination continues to be the best way to prevent severe illness resulting from COVID-19. If you have not already done so, please complete the Voluntary COVID-19 Vaccination Reporting Form if you have received a vaccination. Proof of vaccination is an uploaded image or other digital version of your CDC vaccination card. Note: Intentionally misrepresenting vaccination status may be a violation of student codes of conduct or employment. 


Thank you for doing your part to protect our community by following our Community Health Standards.

Campus COVID-19 Vaccination Statistics (Aug. 20)

We are pleased to report that the percentage of our campus that is vaccinated continues to increase. 

As of today, Friday, Aug. 20, 86% of students and 84% of faculty and staff have submitted proof of vaccination (up from 82.5% of students and 75.5% of employees last week).

Starting today, campus vaccination statistics will be available on the COVID-19 Dashboard. Please monitor the Dashboard for active and recovered case counts and other data regarding our campus’ status regarding COVID-19. Case counts are updated daily, Monday through Friday. Campus vaccination status is updated every Friday.

If you have not already done so, please complete the Voluntary COVID-19 Vaccination Reporting Form if you have received a vaccination. Proof of vaccination is an uploaded image or other digital version of your CDC vaccination card. Note: Intentionally misrepresenting vaccination status may be a violation of student codes of conduct or employment. 


Remember that students, faculty and staff who have not submitted proof of vaccination will be required to complete surveillance testing weekly, which will begin on Tuesday, Aug. 24, and will be held from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. every Tuesday in Eisenberg Social Hall of the Hanes Student Commons. Individuals required to test will be notified to schedule an appointment via UNCSA email. Visit the testing webpage for more information.

If you choose not or are unable to be tested each Tuesday, you will need to have a PCR molecular test conducted by a community provider and submitted by the end of each week. A link to upload your results will be posted on the testing webpage by Aug. 23.

Initially, appointments will be available to all individuals required to submit weekly surveillance tests. If capacity allows, time slots will be available each week for students, faculty and staff outside the required testing group. 

Thank you for doing your part to protect our community by following our Community Health Standards.

Campus COVID-19 Vaccination Statistics (Aug. 13)

Now that deadlines have passed to submit proof of vaccination before the start of the fall semester, we have tallied the current results and are pleased to report that a high percentage of our campus is vaccinated.

As of today, Friday, Aug. 13, 479 out of 634 employees, or 75.5%, have submitted proof of vaccination.

As of today, Friday, Aug. 13, 1,147 out of 1,390 students, or 82.5%, have submitted proof of vaccination.

We are continuing to follow up on vaccination proof submissions, so we can expect these numbers may continue to improve over the coming weeks. 

If you have not already done so, please complete the Voluntary COVID-19 Vaccination Reporting Form if you have received a vaccination. Proof of vaccination is an uploaded image or other digital version of your CDC vaccination card. Note: Intentionally misrepresenting vaccination status may be a violation of student codes of conduct or employment. 

Upload proof of vaccination

Remember that faculty, staff and students who have not submitted proof of vaccination will be required to participate in weekly surveillance testing, which will begin on Tuesday, Aug. 24, and will be held from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. every Tuesday in Eisenberg Social Hall of the Hanes Student Commons.

Aug. 9 Testing Deadline Reminder (for University Students | Aug. 9)

Your deadline to upload proof of COVID-19 vaccination is the end of the day tomorrow, Tuesday, Aug. 10.  

As we prepare for the upcoming return of students for the fall semester, it is imperative that we have an accurate representation of vaccination status on campus.

Please complete the Voluntary COVID-19 Vaccination Reporting Form if you have received a vaccination. Proof of vaccination is an uploaded image or other digital version of your CDC vaccination card.


If you do not upload proof of vaccination, you will be required to provide a recent negative COVID-19 test for the fall semester. That means you must get tested between Tuesday, Aug. 10 (tomorrow), and Wednesday, Aug. 11, and submit your test by noon Monday, Aug. 16. Any expenses incurred with testing are the responsibility of the student.


Students who do not upload a vaccination card nor submit a COVID-19 test before the deadlines will not be cleared to move in to their residence halls and will lose their One Card access.

Intentionally misrepresenting vaccination status may be a violation of student codes of conduct.

UNCSA strongly encourages all faculty, staff and students to get a COVID-19 vaccination prior to the start of the fall semester. COVID-19 vaccines are free and are available to anyone 12 and older. Note: Vaccinations are available locally at pharmacies, health care providers and public health departments in North Carolina and nationally. Visit our vaccine page for more information.

For more information, see the recording of the campus information session held on Aug. 3.

Aug. 9 Testing Deadline Reminder (for Faculty, Staff, High School Students | Aug. 9)

If you did not upload proof of COVID-19 vaccination earlier, you are required to provide a recent negative COVID-19 test for the fall semester. Your deadline to submit your test results is noon today, Monday, Aug. 9.

You should have been tested on Aug. 4 or 5.


If you submitted proof of a COVID-19 vaccination, you do not have to submit a negative test.

Students who did not upload a vaccination card and do not submit a COVID-19 test by Aug. 9 will not be cleared to move in to their residence halls and will lose their One Card access. Commuter students will lose One Card access to campus.

Intentionally misrepresenting vaccination status may be a violation of student codes of conduct or, if an employee, a violation of employment.

UNCSA strongly encourages all faculty, staff and students to get a COVID-19 vaccination prior to the start of the fall semester. COVID-19 vaccines are free and are available to anyone 12 and older. Note: Vaccinations are available locally at pharmacies, health care providers and public health departments in North Carolina and nationally. Visit our vaccine page for more information.

Weekly COVID-19 testing required for faculty and staff without proof of vaccination (Aug. 6)

Dear Campus Community,

In light of recent guidance from the UNC System Office, we will now require any faculty and staff without proof of vaccination to get tested for COVID-19 weekly. This step is in addition to the requirement for all employees who do not voluntarily submit proof of vaccination to be tested for access to campus for the fall semester.

Surveillance testing will begin on Tuesday, Aug. 24, and will be held from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. every Tuesday in Eisenberg Social Hall of the Hanes Student Commons. StarMed will again be conducting our surveillance testing.

If you choose not or are unable to be tested each Tuesday, you will need to have a PCR molecular test conducted by a community provider. All weekly tests must be submitted by the end of each week. A link will be provided for surveillance testing uploads on our COVID-19 testing webpage by Aug. 23.

As the UNC System leadership has said, it is reasonable, both for public health and leadership by example, to ask our faculty and staff to comply with the same protective measures we are asking of our students.

Remember, if you do not want to have to test weekly, you can always submit proof of vaccination.

Brian Cole 

Test required this week to return to campus for fall semester (for High School | Aug. 2)

Reentry testing is now required for unvaccinated individuals before the start of the fall semester. Unvaccinated high school students returning to campus must have a PCR COVID-19 test administered this Wednesday, Aug. 4 or Thursday, Aug. 5. A negative test must be submitted by noon on Monday, Aug. 9 using the link below. Any expenses incurred with testing are the responsibility of the student. 


UNCSA is requiring reentry testing for all unvaccinated students, faculty and staff before the start of the fall semester. If you submitted proof of a COVID-19 vaccination, you do not have to submit a negative test. Please complete the Voluntary COVID-19 Vaccination Reporting Form by Aug. 4 if you have received a vaccination. Proof of vaccination is an uploaded image or other digital version of your CDC vaccination card.


Test required this week to return to campus (for faculty & staff | Aug. 2)

Reentry testing is now required for unvaccinated individuals before the start of the fall semester. Unvaccinated faculty and staff must have a PCR COVID-19 test administered this Wednesday, Aug. 4 or Thursday, Aug. 5. A negative test must be submitted by noon on Monday, Aug. 9 using the link below. Any expenses incurred with testing are the responsibility of the employee.


UNCSA is requiring reentry testing for all unvaccinated students, faculty and staff before the start of the fall semester. If you submitted proof of a COVID-19 vaccination, you do not have to submit a negative test. Please complete the Voluntary COVID-19 Vaccination Reporting Form by Aug. 4 if you have received a vaccination. Proof of vaccination is an uploaded image or other digital version of your CDC vaccination card.


Online Campus information sessions (Aug. 2 & 3)

Online information sessions were held to discuss COVID-19 protocols and Community Health Standards as we start the fall 2021 semester. View recordings of the sessions:

Video: Informational Meeting for Students and Parents/Guardians (1:05:34) by UNCSA executive team, deans, Student Affairs personnel. Aug. 3, 2021.

Video: Informational Meeting for Faculty & Staff (59.51) by UNCSA executive team. Aug. 2, 2021. 

Individual arts schools will hold information meetings for their students, faculty and staff. The arts schools will communicate meeting specifics.


July 2021

All-campus information session to discuss fall plans at noon Aug. 3  (for students & families | July 27)

This email has four (4) important actions:

Dear UNCSA Students and Families,

We continue to plan for a more typical academic year in 2021-22 as we monitor the evolving COVID-19 situation and stay closely attuned to statistics and vaccination rates in our state and community. With this information, current guidance from the state (the governor’s office and the N.C. Department of Health and Human Services) and the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, we are making final adjustments to our COVID-19 protocols and Community Health Standards for the fall semester. 

Reentry testing is now required for unvaccinated individuals
We will again require reentry testing for all unvaccinated students, faculty and staff before the start of the fall semester. If you submitted proof of a COVID-19 vaccination, you do not have to submit a negative test. Any expenses incurred with testing are the responsibility of the student or employee. Deadlines for submitting your negative test results are as follows:

  • High School students: Test administered between Wednesday, Aug. 4 and Thursday, Aug. 5; submit by noon on Aug. 9.
  • Undergraduate/Graduate students: Test administered between Tuesday, Aug. 10 and Wednesday, Aug. 11; submit by noon on Aug. 16.

Note: Some programs may require you to submit your negative test earlier than the deadlines above. A link to submit your test will be sent at a later date.

All campus information session on Aug. 3
We invite all students, parents/guardians and the entire campus community to attend a virtual information session at noon Tuesday, Aug. 3 to discuss COVID-19 protocols and Community Health Standards for the fall semester. A Microsoft Teams link will be sent the morning of the meeting. Please submit your questions in advance of the information session. (This all-campus meeting follows the faculty and staff meeting on Aug. 2).

Ask questions 

Upload proof of vaccination 
It is imperative that we have an accurate representation of vaccination status on campus. Please complete the Voluntary COVID-19 Vaccination Reporting Form (opens in new tab)  if you have received a vaccination.  Proof of vaccination is an uploaded image or other digital version of your CDC vaccination card. Note: Intentionally misrepresenting vaccination status may be a violation of student codes of conduct or employment. 


UNCSA strongly encourages all students, faculty and staff to get a COVID-19 vaccination before the start of the fall semester. Vaccinated individuals that upload their proof of vaccination will not be required to participate in surveillance testing, do not have to quarantine if they are in close contact with a COVID-19 positive individual, receive a free daily doughnut at Krispy Kreme, and are entered into drawings to win $1 million or $125,000 toward postsecondary education in North Carolina. Visit our vaccine page for more information.

Updated Community Health Standards
Please review the updated Community Health Standards for the fall semester, including mask requirements. Based on the most recent data about the Delta variant, UNCSA will require all individuals to wear masks indoors regardless of vaccination status. Similar to the spring semester, you may remove your mask for eating, drinking and when you are in your residence. Some instructional activities, as approved by deans, will be allowed to be done without masks. Outdoor masking is not required. 

The COVID-19 pandemic continues to be a rapidly evolving situation, and we will continue to update our safety guidance with the most recent information available. We look forward to the online meeting at noon Tuesday, Aug. 3. Look for the link in your email that morning.


Brian Cole

All-campus information session to discuss fall plans at noon Aug. 3  (for faculty & staff | July 27)

This email has four (4) important actions:

  • Plan to submit a negative COVID-19 test result by the deadlines below if you are unvaccinated.
  • Mark your calendar and submit questions for an all-campus information session on Aug. 3 about fall COVID-19 protocols. (This follows the Aug. 2 meeting for faculty and staff only.) 
  • Upload your vaccination card (opens in new tab)
  • Read our NEW mask guidance, which replaces the guidance communicated in the Thursday, July 22 email.

Dear Faculty and Staff,

We continue to plan for a more typical academic year in 2021-22 as we monitor the evolving COVID-19 situation and stay closely attuned to statistics and vaccination rates in our state and community. With this information, current guidance from the state (the governor’s office and the N.C. Department of Health and Human Services) and the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, we are making final adjustments to our COVID-19 protocols and Community Health Standards for the fall semester. 

Reentry testing is now required for unvaccinated individuals
We will again require reentry testing for all unvaccinated students, faculty and staff before the start of the fall semester. If you submitted proof of a COVID-19 vaccination, you do not have to submit a negative test. Any expenses incurred with testing are the responsibility of the employee. Deadlines for submitting your negative test results are as follows:

  • All Faculty and Staff: Test administered between Wednesday, Aug. 4 and Thursday, Aug. 5; submit by noon on Aug. 9.
  • High School students: Test administered between Wednesday, Aug. 4 and Thursday, Aug. 5; submit by noon on Aug. 9.
  • Undergraduate/Graduate students: Test administered between Tuesday, Aug. 10 and Wednesday, Aug. 11; submit by noon on Aug. 16.

Note: Managers may request that you submit your negative test earlier than the deadlines above. A link to submit your test will be sent at a later date.

All campus information session on Aug. 3
We invite all students, parents/guardians and the entire campus community to attend a virtual information session at noon Tuesday, Aug. 3 to discuss COVID-19 protocols and Community Health Standards for the fall semester. A Microsoft Teams link will be sent the morning of the meeting. Please submit your questions in advance of the information session. (This all-campus meeting follows the faculty and staff meeting on Aug. 2).

Ask questions 

Upload proof of vaccination 

It is imperative that we have an accurate representation of vaccination status on campus. Please complete the Voluntary COVID-19 Vaccination Reporting Form (opens in new tab)  if you have received a vaccination. Proof of vaccination is an uploaded image or other digital version of your CDC vaccination card. Note: Intentionally misrepresenting vaccination status may be a violation of student codes of conduct or employment. 


New mask guidance, updated from the Thursday, July 22 email
Based on the most recent data about the Delta variant, UNCSA has updated our mask guidance. Effective immediately, all individuals are now required to wear masks indoors regardless of their vaccination status. You may remove your mask for eating, drinking and when you are alone in a walled office or in a shared office and everyone is vaccinated. Some instructional activities, as approved by deans, will be allowed to be done without masks. Outdoor masking is not required. 

The COVID-19 pandemic continues to be a rapidly evolving situation, and we will continue to update our safety guidance with the most recent information available. We look forward to seeing you at the faculty and staff online information session at noon on Monday, Aug. 2 and optionally at the student and family information session on noon Tuesday, Aug. 3. Look for the links in your email the morning of each meeting.


Brian Cole

Faculty/staff meeting to discuss fall plan updates at noon Aug. 2
(Faculty & Staff |  July 22)

This email has three (3) important actions:

Dear Faculty and Staff,

UNCSA continues to plan for a more typical academic year in 2021-22 as we monitor the evolving COVID-19 situation, as well as stay closely attuned to vaccination rates on campus and in our community.

Of the nearly half (48%) of all surveyed who responded to our vaccination polls to campus and incoming students, the majority (90.4%) have been vaccinated. Based on the strong survey response rate, it is possible to project more than 80% of our population is vaccinated with confidence. With these numbers and current guidance, we are making final adjustments to our COVID-19 protocols and Community Health Standards for the fall semester.

Faculty and staff are invited to attend a meeting to discuss these plans, and for us to answer any questions you may have, at noon Monday, Aug. 2. This meeting will precede an information session for students and parents to be held at noon Tuesday, Aug. 3; an invitation to that session will be sent Monday, July 26. (Faculty and staff may attend that session, also.)   Links will be sent the mornings of the meetings. Please submit your questions in advance for the Aug. 2 meeting. We will get to as many of them as possible, and there will also be an opportunity for questions during the meeting.

Our updated Community Health Standards follow recent updates from the state (the governor’s office and the N.C. Department of Health and Human Services) and the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. We are constantly monitoring guidance from these as well as local health officials and will adjust health and safety protocols as needed.

Please note our NEW mask guidance, effective immediately: Masks are now required for all unvaccinated persons indoors. Masks are not required, but encouraged, for all vaccinated persons indoors. Outdoor masking is not required.

In order to have an accurate representation of vaccination status on campus, we need you to please complete the Voluntary COVID-19 Vaccination Reporting Form (opens in new window) if you have received a vaccination. Proof of vaccination is an uploaded image or other digital version of your CDC vaccination card. Note: Intentionally misrepresenting vaccination status may be a violation of employment.

Upload your vaccination card (opens in new window)

UNCSA strongly encourages all staff, faculty and students to get a COVID-19 vaccination prior to the start of the fall semester. Visit our vaccine page for more information.

We look forward to having you all join the meeting at noon Monday, Aug. 2. Look for the link to the Zoom meeting in your email that morning.


Brian Cole