Student Card (S-Card)


The purpose of the UNCSA Student Card Program is to simplify procurement and payment processes for selected low dollar, high volume business commodities and services.

The program maintains accountability while reducing the cycle time and administrative burden of purchasing procedures such as purchase requisitions/orders, direct pay requests, and expense reimbursements. Bank of America WORKs issues the cards and is widely accepted by vendors that support Visa card purchases.

The S-Card represents UNC School of the Arts trust in you as a responsible student who will safeguard and protect university assets. As a cardholder, you assume responsibility for proper use of your card. Card purchasing does not change or alter current purchasing policies and departmental approval processes. Your card serves only as an optional method of payment.

Bank of America WORKs System

Access the Bank of America WORKs site:


S-Card User’s Manual & Training

The below guide is designed to comply with state regulations and School policy and to assist management in carrying out its responsibilities regarding the accountability for purchasing goods and services.


Coordinator and/or Department heads/Deans will identify students with a business need for an S-Card. Upon their approval, the Cardholder must complete the below S-Card training before card issuance.

S-Card Training

Student Information

Frequently Asked Questions

What are student cards?

They are VISA cards that you can use to purchase materials for your student film. They are issued by the State of North Carolina, which means that certain State purchasing regulations apply. S-cards are issued upon receipt of a signed budget. Coordinators can approve early release of a restricted amount of funds if the final budget has not been approved and purchasing needs to commence.

What can I buy with a student card?

You can buy almost anything you need for your film: lumber, paint, props, batteries, light bulbs, paper towels, etc.

What can't I buy with a student card?

Cards can't be used to buy anything for personal use. You can't buy alcohol, tobacco or controlled substances. Instead, buy industry substitutes, such as prop cigarettes. You can't buy gift cards, even if you plan to use them for film supplies; you must pay for the supplies directly with the student card.

To pay an individual for services rendered (actors, consultants, outside crew, caterers, etc), please present the Business Officer with that information at least one week before production begins. Approved travel costs must be paid for by the Business Officer using a State travel card.

You can never use a student card to buy gas. Gas cards are issued with State vehicles and have their own rules and processes. If you are driving your personal vehicle on filming days, you are responsible for your gas. One more time for the back row: YOU CAN NEVER USE A STUDENT CARD TO BUY GAS.

Can I give my student card to someone else to use?

Coordinators will assign student cards as designated by the production’s needs.  In emergency situations, permission can be sent to the Business Officer via email to approve checkout by another team member. Ultimately, the responsibility of the cards lies with the assigned student, so make sure you know who has each card and what they are spending.

Can I sign contracts when making a purchase with a prepaid card?

Students are not authorized to sign binding documents on behalf of the university. If a vendor issues you a contract or a quote for signature, please present that documentation to the Business Officer at least a week before the purchase is needed, ideally earlier. It will likely have to go through an multi-day internal contract routing To reiterate: If it has a signature line, show it to the Business Officer, as early as possible.

What's the deal with costumes?

For fourth year films, costumes, wigs and makeup should be purchased by the D&P student if one is assigned to your film, using D&P cards. Do not give your student card to a D&P student (or anyone else outside of Film.) Pro tip: make sure you communicate with your D&P student regularly about their expenses so that you can be sure they are staying within their estimated budget. The total amount they spend will be added to your total expenses to determine the final cost of your film

How much is on each card?

Each card is loaded with a designated amount assigned by the productions budget and coordinator; amounts will vary. In some situations, you may receive a card that has been used by another student but not yet reloaded, in which case you will be notified of the starting balance when the card is re-issued to you.

How do I know what my card balance is?

You can check your balance at any time by logging into Bank of America Works. Pro tip: the best way to know your card balance, including pending transactions, is to keep a running tab of every time the card is used, and for how much.

Can I take props/set decoration/supplies after filming is over?

No. Items purchased with a student card are the property of the State. Leftover materials should be returned to a faculty or staff member in the appropriate department: Art Department, Production Office, etc. The only exception is perishables: if you have leftover catering or prop food, it does not have to be returned to the State. Just use your best judgment... maybe don't eat a pie that's been handled by half the crew and has been sitting under hot lights for the last two weekends.

What if I need something that I can't buy with a student card?

Producers and UPMs are always welcome to discuss purchasing options with the Business Officer.



Linda Bowman
Phone: 336-770-3307