Undergraduate School of Drama Art Materials

Due to the nature of our school and the type of movement classes that you will be participating in, we have listed items that you are required to bring with you at the beginning of the school year.

These items do not necessarily have to be newly purchased, just in good enough condition to withstand daily usage. A lot of the clothing and shoes can be found at most sporting goods stores and/or dance supply stores. You can also search online and second-hand shops.

It is recommended for all students to bring a printer for your laptop and extra ink. All books listed can be purchased through the UNCSA virtual bookstore.


  • combination pad lock
  • gym/athletic clothing
  • 2 pairs black footless tights or runners tights available at sporting goods stores – for Mask Class
  • Black turtleneck (long sleeve) - for Mask Class
  • 2 Black leotards or 2 Black T-shirts and black jazz pants
  • Black comfortable clothes (not baggy – more closely fitting like athletic clothing/ jazz or yoga pants & long or short sleeve top) For Multiple Classes & Rehearsals
  • Tap Shoes – Dance Class
  • Jazz Shoes (Split Sole Slippers NOT jazz sneakers)
  • Flesh tone dance belt (Tight fitting athletic supporter may be substituted) or compression shorts available at sporting goods stores
  • Men's Black Dress Shoes - for Multiple Classes & Rehearsals
  • Black Socks – for Multiple Classes & Rehearsals
  • 2 White dress shirts - for Multiple Classes & Rehearsals
  • Black dress slacks- for Multiple Classes & Rehearsals
  • Men’s Jacket & Tie - for Multiple Classes & Rehearsals
  • Personal voice recorder or a smartphone with voice recording capability or app

  • 1 Set of Kneepads (optional) for personal use in Combat class, school kneepads are provided in class

  • One pair of rubber soled sport, athletic or running shoes, which are to be for indoor/studio use only.  (These shoes should not have been, or be, worn outside).

  • One pair of comfortable fingerless or light leather gloves e.g. baseball, weight lifting or cycling gloves). –for Combat Class


  • Longman Pronunciation Dictionary (Pearson Education, Ltd., 3rd Edition)
  • Complete Works of Shakespeare (preferred Riverside Edition, Houghton-Mifflin, but any will be sufficient)
  • "The Elements of Style", 4th Edition, by William  Strunk, Jr. and E.B. White
  • A good pocket dictionary (or smartphone)
  • ''Freeing the Natural Voice, Art and Imagery in the Practice of Voice and Language", by Kristin Linklater 


  • Combination pad lock
  • Gym/Athletic clothing
  • Black footless tights (2 pairs) or black runner’s tights available at sporting goods stores – for Mask Class
  • Black turtleneck (long sleeve) - for Mask Class
  • 2 Black leotards - for Mask Class & Dance
  • Black comfortable clothes (not baggy – more closely fitting like athletic clothing) jazz or yoga pants & long or short sleeve top - For Multiple Classes & Rehearsals
  • Tap Shoes – Dance Class
  • Jazz Shoes (Split Sole Slippers NOT jazz sneakers)
  • 2 Black wrap around rehearsal skirts ankle-length & knee length - for Multiple Classes & Rehearsals
  • Women’s Character Shoes (short heel) for Multiple Classes & Rehearsals
  • White bra and black sports bra- for Multiple Classes & Rehearsals
  • Two white blouses- for Multiple Classes & Rehearsals
  • Personal voice recorder or smartphone with voice recording capability or app
  • 1 Set of Kneepads **Optional** for personal use in Combat class, school kneepads are provided in class
  • One pair of rubber soled sport, athletic or running shoes, which are to be for indoor/studio use only.  (These shoes should not have been, or be, worn outside).
  • One pair of comfortable fingerless or light leather gloves e.g. baseball, weight lifting or cycling gloves). –for Combat Class



  • Longman Pronunciation Dictionary (Pearson Education, Ltd., 3rd Edition)
  • Complete Works of Shakespeare (preferred Riverside Edition, Houghton-Mifflin, but any will be sufficient)
  • "The Elements of Style", 4th Edition, by William  Strunk, Jr. and E.B. White
  • A good pocket dictionary (or smartphone)
  • ''Freeing the Natural Voice, Art and Imagery in the Practice of Voice and Language", by Kristin Linklater