Impact Report

Impact Report

While our perception of 2019-20 may be dominated by the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic, we should all remember that the fiscal year started like any other—full of optimism and creative energy. UNCSA continued to appear in industry publications’ rankings of top conservatories, hosted events such as Weekend of Women+, the Festival of North Carolina Dance and Ava DuVernay’s Ascend Summit and set new records for attendance and revenue for "The Nutcracker."

We launched the public phase of Powering Creativity: The Campaign for UNCSA in Fall 2019, with launch events in Winston-Salem and New York City. And in 2020 we welcomed new leadership in the ninth Chancellor of UNCSA, Brian Cole, and Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor Patrick Sims.

We are grateful to the many supporters who continue to make our students’ journeys possible. This report is a glimpse into a few of the countless ways you power creativity every day.


Past Impact Reports